Chenle • A Fateful Meeting

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Synopsis: two ex lovers fall in love all over again. Or perhaps, they never fell out of it in the first place.

A/n: I recommend listening to Heavy Heart by RIO while reading this story

It was a snowy evening. She was waiting for her train to arrive. The train which would take her back to university after staying home for the holidays.

Her breath formed small clouds in the air and she let out a shiver.

Her gaze slid to the other platform across the station. The kiosk was closed as it was already past 11 pm. Too bad, she really craved some hot chocolate right now.

She was just contemplating whether she had enough time to walk to the grocery store down the street when her eyes met a certain someone.

Her heart skipped a beat and a small gasp left her lips.

He looked her right in the eyes. How long had he been staring?

And what was he doing here?

A train thundered past, blocking het view of him and causing her hair to blow in the wind. She could feel the ground shaking underneath her feat.

The train went so fast she couldn't see any of the people inside. Everything was a blur.

When the train finally dissapeared and quietness filled the air, he was gone.

She wondered if he was ever there to begin with. Was she imagining things?

It started to snow heavier.

The white flocks filled the air, making it look like someone was shaking out the clouds up in the sky.

The white wetness melted when it landed on her coat.

She shivered once again.

Maybe I should wait inside  she thought to herself.

She turned around and gasped as she stumbled back and almost fell.

Thankfully she managed to regain her balance just in time.

He laughed at her clumsiness.

"Hi...Chenle." She smiled, awkwardly looking away from him.

"Hey." He simply replied.

"Why are you here?" She wanted to ask it to be polite but it sounded more like she was interrogating him.

"Just came to visit some friends. What about you?" He asked back, his head tilted slightly.

"I stayed with my family for a while."


She nodded.

"Why weren't you at the Christmas gala?" He asked bluntly, making her look up.

"Ah! The Christmas Gala..." she started, " I had to work that day unfortunately."

"Unfortunate indeed." He smirked lobsidedly.

She looked up with a confused look on her face.

"I was going to ask you to dance." He softly smiled. "I waited for you, but you didn't come. You should've let me know."

Her brows furrowed. "I didn't know you were expecting me. Otherwise I definitely would've let you known."

He chuckled. "It's okay, I can easily forgive you. That is, if you let me dance with you now."

He held out his hand invitingly, a gentle smiled plastered onto his face.

"What?" She replied, caught of guard by his request.

"Dance with me, please." He asked once more, his eyes practically begging her to take his offer.

Hesitantly she laid her hand in his, her eyes shaking.

Carefully he pulled her closer towards him. He reached for his pocket, pulling out an airpod.

Chenle gently brushed her hair behind her ear so he could put the airpod in it.

Her frozen body seemed to melt at his touch and she couldn't help but stare at him.

He was wearing a gentle smile as always. She had never seen him look sad or angry and it was easy to believe he truly never experienced negatieve emotions.

But even she knew that was a ridiculous thought.

He pulled out his other airpod and put it in his own ear.

Skillfully he whipped out his phone, scrolling through Spotify for a while until he finally found a song he liked.

He pressed play and put his phone away, taking her hands in his.

~My heavy heart

He wrapped her arms around his neck, letting go of them so he could rest his hands on her waist.

~goes round again

They lightly swayed from left to right as the snow continued falling down on them. There was almost no one else at the station. It felt like they were alone in the world for a second.

The smile had slowly faded away from his lips. He had dreamed of this moment for a long time and now he was finally here, holding her in his arms again.

She was captivated by his gaze, there was no way she could took her eyes off of his.

There was still some distance between them and neither of them held onto the other too tightly. It was like they hadn't fully decided yet.

Did they really want this?

Subconciously her fingers tugged at his hair, making a pleasurable shiver run down his spine.

He leaned in slightly, but the space in between them remained as she leaned back.

"I thought..." he mumbled, a flash of hurt visible in his eyes despite his effort to hide it.

He gulped and took a moment to recollect himself.

"Sorry. I won't do it if you don't want to." He said, a smile masking his true emotions once again.

Her head hung low as she studied her shoes, trying to sort out her thoughts.

Chenle wish he could read her mind at moments like these.

Did he go too far?

~my heavy heart

Her shimmering eyes looked up at him as she nervously fumbled with her fingers behind his head.

~it's too much for you

She stood on her tiptoes and gently pressed her lips onto his.

As quickly as the kiss started, it ended.

Chenle stared at her with a blank expression.

Her eyes shook as she attempted to read him.

However, before she could ask him anything, his hand found its way to her cheek and he pulled her closer to him, making her press her hands against his chest so she wouldn't fall.

His lips soon found hers and enveloped them in a deeper kiss.

He was not going to let her go again.

Not this time.

The snow kept falling and falling and falling, wettening their clothes and messing up their hair but they didn't care.

They simply were too in love with eachother.




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