Jaemin • Ice Cream

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Synopsis: best friends turn to lovers all thanks to a little bit of ice cream... or was that Jaemins plan all along?

I stepped down from my bike and threw it onto the ground. With a sigh I took off my backpack and swung it away.

The sea wind blew through my hair, messing it up even more. I plopped down next to my blue haired friend who looked at me with a concerned look in his eyes.

"What's up with you?" He asked

"School" I simply answered as I handed him a can of soda which contained a disturbingly huge amount of sugar.

It has always been our favourite, being the sweet tooths we are. It was extremely unhealthy, our parents never allowed us to buy it, so we always did it secretly. We used to find all ways to smuggle them into our houses, such as filling empty juice boxes with it.

Jaemin nodded understandingly. He didn't ask further, which I was grateful for.

"Atleast the weather is nice" he commented, to which I agreed. The sun was shining down upon us, and a light breeze fanned our faces.

For a little while, we just sat there in silence, enjoying the view and enjoying eachothers company.

"Shall we get married?" Jaemin suddenly said.

I spat out my drink and violently coughed. I could hear Jaemins loud laugh coming from beside me. He softly hit my back as I tried my best to regain my calmness.

"What did you say?" I managed to get out between coughs.

"I said, shall we get ice cream?" Jaemin looked at me with an amused smile.

I shook my head in disbelieve. Damn, my parents were right. I really shouldn't have listened to music so loudly. Since when did my ears become this bad?

"Oh, lol, I thought you said something else." I nervously chuckled.

"What did you think I said?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"I- Should we get m- ah nevermind." I laughed it off. "Let's get ice cream!"

"Yesss!" Jaemin jumped up enthusiastically, suddenly filled with energy.

I softly chuckled as I followed him to the convenience store nearby.
I took a sprint to catch up with him.

With a smile I looked up at his face. It made me happy to see him happy.

That's what I called The Jaemin Effect. Everyone who sends time with Jaemin becomes a bit like him. He inspires people to bring out the best in them. People become happier, kinder and more energetic when they're around him.

Or maybe it was just me who felt that way, I didn't know. But he undeniably was someone who was very dear to me.

Without a warning, he suddenly grabbed my hand. A tiny shock went through me when our fingers touched.

My heart jumped up but I quickly told it to calm down. It didn't mean anything. I often saw him holding hands with his other friends. It was just his way of displaying affection.

"So, what flavour should we buy." He asked, not noticing my reaction.

Suddenly I felt like teasing him.
"Hmm, maybe strawberry?" I said with a huge smile.

"Noooo!" He said, acting angry. "Strawberry is no!"

I let out a giggle. "I'm just kidding. How about vanilla?"

"Hmmm." Jaemin said. "Can't we just buy Popsicles?"

"If you pay, anything is fine with me." I said smugly.

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