Taeyong • Love To Hate You

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Synopsis:They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Well, I think we're doing that just fine.

What if I was tired?

Tired of life. Tired of having to do everything alone. Tired of seeing my friends die in front of me.

Tired of fighting a cause I didn't even believe in anymore.

When I was younger, I always wanted to be a spy.  I wanted to be heroic, defend my country no matter what and most of all, I wanted to look badass while doing it.

So I became a secret agent. But I soon found out I did not always agree with the things I had to fight for. Kill for, even.

The government was more corrupt than I could've ever imagined and I was sick and tired of it.

In the years I've worked  I've restored and also broken many families, all of them deeply Ingraved into my memory.

I never imagined it would hurt this much.

And now I was going to add another name to my memory. Another name to regret.

I had located the home of the rebels not too long ago. It took me longer than I thought to work up the courage to go there. Maybe that's why I walked slower than usual. Maybe that's why....

I didn't notice him at first.

He was already standing there, in the corner of the alley, invisible to me.

I walked towards the door, reaching out towards the knob. Before my fingers could touch it, I felt something cold and hard press against the back of my head.

"Came to visit me?" A husky voice spoke from behind me.

I froze and tried my best to stay calm.

"Taeyong." I breathed out.

"Drop your weapon." He commanded.

I dropped the gun I was holding. I had to find some way to escape but for now it was better to do what he said.

"All your weapons."

I gulped. How the fuck did he know?

Slowly I lifted up my shirt and took out the knife that I hid underneath my jeans, dropping it on the floor.

When I didn't move any further I heard him sigh.

I heard the gun make a clicking sound. He leaned closer towards me, his breath fanning my neck.

"I said, all your weapons."

I groaned. "Damn."

"Will you let me turn around? I'll take it out of my shoe, okay?"

He grabbed my arm, quickly turning my around and pressing me against the wall, the gun now resting against the side of my head.

"I don't trust you." He whispered, his eyes twinkling playfully, contrasting his actions.

My eyes scanned his face. He had scars all over. I wonder who created them. Maybe it were my colleagues who I drank with at night and shared my birthday with. Maybe it were strangers. Who knows? I probably created some of them.

"Neither do I." I answered back truthfully. At this point I wasn't really sure whether I was trying to confuse him or myself.

"Why did you come here?" He asked.

"To kill you." I replied bluntly.

He laughed loudly.

"And how is that working out for ya?" He leaned in closer, his lips almost touching my hairline. If I would jump forward now I might be able to break his nose and escape. But on the other hand, he will probably have fired the gun long before I even come anywhere near his nose.

"I'm working on it." I said slowly, making him laugh softly.

"Give up, y/n. You're gonna have to accept you're never gonna win over me." He spoke, a cocky smile adorning his lips.

"Well neither are you." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Is that really what you want?" His eyes connecting with mine. "Us, fighting for eternity?"

"Is that really a bad thing?" The words had left my mouth before I knew it.

Suddenly his eyes changed. "Ofcourse it is a bad thing. Violence needs to stop. I'm sick and tired of this war, I wish the government would just stop fucking around and actually make peace for once."

"We've been trying to do that for years!" I fought back. "But you guys just don't know how to give up!"

"Ofcourse we won't give up. How can we ever give up on fighting for the right thing?" He spat out, his angry eyes intimidating me slightly.

"Everyone believes they're fighting for the right thing. Otherwise they wouldn't do it." I replied.

He scoffed. "Whatever. I just wish you would atleast admit to your own feelings. "

"What?" I choked on air.

"Oh please," He rolled his eyes and threw the gun somewhere far behind him. My eyes didn't leave him. "I know you love to hate me."

I let out a short chuckle. "I beg you pardon?"

My heart raced in my chest as he momentarily held eyecontact, leaning in slightly before he recollected himself.

"Then beg."

It was only now I noticed it had started to rain. The smell of it had begun to fill the air as the droplets came down from the sky. I watched a drop trinkle down his face. It fell down onto his forehead, then followed the perfect curve of his nose until it ended on his lips.

"I don't hate you." I whispered, looking up at his eyes which slowly met mine.

"I never did."

It started to rain harder, the wetness quickly spreading through my clothes.

His big eyes shimmered melancholically, careful tying a knot inside my stomache.

"Please don't kill me for this." He said, leaning in and gently pressing his lips onto mine.

I tasted raindrops and salt and a touch of desperation but most of all I tasted him. I breathed in, taking in as much of him as possible while I could.

Too soon he pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't- we shouldn't-" He  began but I pulled him back before he could say anything else.

His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer towards him as our lips moved against eachother and I felt warm, I felt warmer than I had felt in years. I had forgotten how good it felt to  be held.

He pulled back once again. "What about your superiors? They will find out about this, you know it. There will be consequences."

"To hell with the consequences." I answered before connecting our lips again.

He kissed me back, hungrily and I willingly let him devour me.

And it was then I realised I would love him till the end of my life, no matter how short or long it may be. I would love him to the point of ruining myself, of ruining everything I ever stood for.

Because nothing mattered, really, nothing mattered as much as he did.

Not even me.


Nothing better than a good ol' enemies to lovers don't you think?

See you again soon!


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