Chapter 12

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" But not in the Restricted Section. Happy Christmas. "

- Hermione Granger.

The December air brought crispy heaps of snow on the Hogwarts grounds

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The December air brought crispy heaps of snow on the Hogwarts grounds. Kids were excited to go home for Christmas, to celebrate with their families.

Y/n was making her way down the corridor, a smile on her face as she watched snow outside in the courtyard. The book in her hand was clutched tight as she made her way towards Library to return it.

Suddenly, she collided with someone, or more like someone had pushed her to the ground. Y/n yelped, falling to the ground with a thud.

She winced, looking at the person. Turned out to be none other than Draco Malfoy. He was smirking down at her, hands crossed. " Watch where you're going, will you? "

Y/n rolled her eyes and glared at him.
" I'm surprised you're alone, Malfoy. Did you bodyguarda finally realised you're not worth their time? "

Draco glared at her. " Look who you are talking-" He yelped as Y/n kicked his leg, causing him to topple over her.
" Karma. " Y/n fake smiled at him while the boy glared at her.

" You-"

" Save it. " She mumbled, pushing him aside and standing up. She dusted her robes and shot the boy another glare before marching away.

The blond huffed, his hands in his pockets. He didn't like her one bit. The attitude she gave, the way she had a comeback every time he says something.

He hated being shoved down by a Gryffindor. Especially ones who always seemed to be around Potter.

Y/n huffed, rubbing her sore elbow as she climbed up the stairs of her dorm.
Entering her dorm, she quickly packed her stuff and pulled on her trunk with her.

Hermione smiled as she left the bathroom, " Ready? " Y/n hums. The two girls left the dorm and looked for Harry or Ron in the common room.

" They must be in the Great Hall. " Hermione muttered. Y/n nodded and followed her best friend. The two admired the decorations around the castle and once they reached the Great Hall, Y/n gaped.

Although only half of the decorations were put on, it still looked beautiful.
Y/n found the two boys playing wizard's chess on the Gryffindor table.

They walked towards them and Y/n grinned at Harry. " Write me. " She nudged his arm and Harry grinned,
" You know it. "

" I see you've packed. "

" I see you've haven't. " Hermione replied to Ron and the redhead shrugged. " Change of plans. My parents are going to visit my brother Charlie in Romania. He studies dragons there. "

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