Chapter 28

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" Oh! Harry?  If you die down there, you're welcome share my toilet. "

- Myrtle Elizabeth Warren.
( Moaning Myrtle) .

" Myrtle! " Y/n called, after entering the abandoned bathroom

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" Myrtle! " Y/n called, after entering the abandoned bathroom. The ghost appeared, looking around timidly.
" Oh, it's you! "

She stated and Y/n smiled slightly,
" Oh! Hello Harry. " She says, batting her eyelashes.

" What do you want? " She snapped suddenly, realising he had guests.

" To ask you how you died. "

" It was dreadful. It happened right here in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in. "
Myrtle weeps and Y/n frowned.

" Who was it? "

" I don't know. I was distraught. But they said something funny, a kind of made-up language. And I realized it was a boy speaking, so I unlocked the door to tell him to go away and I died. "

" Just like that? How? " Harry asks, his eye brows furrowed.

" I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes over there by that
sink. " She says, pointing at the sink behind them.

Y/n grabbed Harry's arm and led him towards the sink." This is it. " Harry exclaimed, and Ron joined his side, his wand still pointed at Lockhart.

" Say something in Parsletongue." Ron nudges and Harry nodded. Harey hissed again and the sink clicked.

As the sinks start to move and revealed an abyss, Lockhart laughed heartily.

" Ha! Very good, kids. Well, then I'll just be... There's no need for me to stay. " He says, making an attempt to run away. Harry quickly stopped him.

" Yes, there is. " Harry says and Ron pushed Lockhart towards the sink, who yelped slightly.

" You first. "  Harry said and Y/n smirked.

" Now boys, what good will it do? " He asks.

" Better you than us. " Ron says and Y/n bit her lip, before he could say anything, Ron poked him with his wand, pushing Lockhart inside.

He screams as he falls down and hits floor with a loud thud. " It's really quite filthy down here. " We heard him say.

" That's nice. Doesn't it seem like your house? " Y/n yelled and heard a grunt. She grinned at Harry, " Let's go. "

" No, you're staying. Actually, go warn Dumbledore and tell him about everything. " Y/n frowned but nodded slightly.

" Oh! Harry?  If you die down there, you're welcome share my toilet. " Myrtle says and Y/n coughed, trying to cover her laughter.

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