Chapter 34

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" Mr. Weasley was telling me to look out for you. "

- Harry Potter.

" Listen to the idiot

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" Listen to the idiot. He's really lying it on thick, isn't he? " Ron asked and
Y/n chuckled.

" Yeah, but at least Hagrid didn't get fired! " Y/n heard Harry say as she dipped her quill in the inkpot.

A few students were scattered around the Great Hall, doing the school work, Y/n being one of them while she could distantly hear Draco and Pansy.

Just hearing Draco's voice infuriated her, knowing he has crossed his limits twice by bringing up her parents into small silly arguments.

" You will be. You just have to let go. "

Luis's advice always rang through her head ever since the day before and she found herself relying on it. Sighing, she finished the last sentence and dropped her quill aside.

" Yeah, but I hear Draco's father is furious. We haven't heard the end of this." Hermione says.

" He's been sighted! He's been sighted! " Yelled Seamus, causing Y/n to frown.

" Who's been sighted? " Dean Thomas asked and Seamus slammed a Newspaper on the table.

" Sirius Black! " Along with Harry, Y/n jumped out of her seat and peeked at the paper.

" Dufftown? That's not very far from here! " Hermione said, scared. Y/n sighed and she glanced at Harry.

" But they'll catch, Black. Won't they?" Neville asked, " You don't think he'll come to Hogwarts, do you? "

" With dementors on every entrance of the grounds-"

" He's escaped them once. Who says he won't do that again? " Seamus rolled his eyes and Y/n nodded slightly, grabbing Harry's hand.

" That's right. Black could be anywhere. It's like catching smoke with your bare hands. " Y/n took a sharp breath, hoping whatever happens, Harry would be safe.

With a new fear developing in the pit of her stomach, she collected her stuff and walked beside Harry, still holding on to his hand.

" As long as Dumbledore is here, I'm sure we'll be fine. " Ron tried to reassure but Harry didn't reply.

Once she reached the common room, she sighed. " Night, don't worry about
it. " She mumbled and Harry nodded, pulling the girl in a hug.

Y/n was caught off guard, but a small smile spread across her face as she hugged back, " Mr. Weasley was telling me to look out for you. "

" Was he, now? " Y/n pulled away, amused. " Mhm.. Something about Black looking for me and you. " Y/n frowned, " Oh. "

" Why me? " She mumbled but shrugged it off. " Anyway, don't fret it, alright? " Harry smiled and nodded.
" Night, Harry. "

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