Chapter 36

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" Draco. "

- Y/n Moonstone (Potter).

Harry still couldn't get his thoughts straight

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Harry still couldn't get his thoughts straight. After thinking about
Dumbledore and Snape's conversation over and over again, he couldn't help but get agitated on what they meant.

How was Y/n connected into all of this? He asked himself that a good few times over the next few days, but to no avail. He couldn't get any answer, seeing as he didn't have any.

He contemplated whether to ask Lupin, bu he couldn't. Maybe Lupin wouldn't know anything. He thought, while in reality, he knew deep down he was just stalling from knowing the truth.

The thought of Y/n being hurt haunted him, but he didn't let it show. Of course, Y/n had seen right through him, but he still was convincing himself to keep the act up.

The next Quidditch match was coming up and he spent most of his evening practicing with the team in the cold. Sometimes it'd rain hard or snow sould make it harder for them to see.

Harry once again made his way back to his dorm to change out of his robes while Y/n was walking down the steps.
" Harry?! How was practice? "

Harry turned to the girl and smiled,
" It was alright. I'm freezing. " He mumbled, realising his teeth were clattering.

Y/n widened her eyes and took out her wand, instantly casting a warming charm, " Thanks. Where are you headed to? "

" Astronomy. I dropped Divination, remember? " Harry made an O face as he realised. " Anyway, I'll see you at dinner. Go get a hot bath, will you? "

Harry grinned crookily and nodded.
Y/n shot him a smile and exited the tower, heading straight for the Astronomy class, her books clutched against her chest.

She sometimes wondered why there was an abandoned Astronomy Tower, and the class had been shifted to the new Tower. She liked the old one better and she spent most of her time studying there.

Once she entered the class, she beamed at Professor Sinistra, the teacher who taught Astronomy. Once her eyes caught the blond hair however, she furrowed her eyebrows and settled in her seat.

She waved at Luis, grinning wide as she spotted him across the clasroom.

Once the class was filled with students, the professor stood up and looked around, " Alright. Seeing as we're in the middle of a term, I'll be assigning you lot partners for the paired projects. "

Y/n huffed, glancing at the boy sitting beside her. She did know him, but she refused to acknowledge his presence seeing as he was a Slytherin and Malfoy's friends.

" You know I don't bite, " Blaise said, amused. Y/n squinted her eyes at him,
" You might as well, seeing as the way you're looking at me right now. "

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