Chapter 35

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" I've searched the Astronomy Tower and Owlery, sir. There's nothing in there. "

- Argus Filch.

" Do you want me to stay? " Y/n asked, " We can go ice skating on the lake instead

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" Do you want me to stay? " Y/n asked,
" We can go ice skating on the lake instead. " Y/n grinned and Harry smiled weakly.

" No, it's fine. You should enjoy your first trip. " Y/n sighed and glanced at Ron and Hermione, who were patiently waiting by the fountain.

She sighed and Harry patted her shoulder. Nodding, she made her way to Ron and Hermione, glancing back at the boy. She waved slightly and huffed.
" Sometimes, I really want to go and hex his aunt and uncle. "

Ron laughed, " True though. But I think it might make you feel better if I tell you he fell over the second floor window into bushes last year. "

Y/n burst out laughing, " Really? " Ron nodded, " When me, Fred and George went to rescue him, he's uncle was trying to hold onto Harry but tripped over the window itself. "

Hermione and Y/n laughed with Ron,
" Wish I was there to see. " Y/n breathed out, jumping on the carriage. She looked at the snow falling and covered on the grounds.

The three months at Hogwarts passed just like that and it was already winter. Y/n was drowning in the scarf and hood of her winter coat due to the cold.

She couldn't deny how beautiful Hogwarts looked during winter. The thick layer of snow covering the grounds, no sign of sun and just cold breeze and snowfall.

A sigh escaped her lips as she watched the passing view. " Remind me to buy Harry some Chocolate frogs, will you? "

Hermione hummed, looking around too. Once they reached, Y/n jumped down and looked around in awe. The village was beautiful, streets full of people and buzzing shops.

" We're going to Honeydukes first. " Ron exclaimed and dragged both the girls towards the Sweets shop. As soon as
Y/n entered, she was hit by warmth.

She sighed in relaxation and walked around the stocks and heaps of different types of sweets. Grabbing a few chocolate frogs and licorice wands, she grabbed few different sweets too and payed for them.

Once Ron and Hermione were done, they headed outside and looked around, excitement etched on their face. " Butterbeer? I've heard Three Broomsticks serves the best butterbeer ever! "

Y/n couldn't deny to a beverage in such cold and they instantly rushed towards the pub. The pub was warm, mostly made of wooden and the tables placed every few feets away.

" My tip! " She pushed the two in a booth and headed towards the counter,
" Three butterbeer please. "

" Coming right up, sweetie. " Madam Rosemerta smiled and Y/n nodded. She watched as the lady prepared drinks and grabbed the tray, heading towards her table.

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