Chapter 14

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" Wait till my father hears about this. This is servant's stuff."

- Draco Malfoy.

Walking down the stone steps, Y/n couldn't help but wonder what would be present in the forest

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Walking down the stone steps, Y/n couldn't help but wonder what would be present in the forest. She knew for sure McGonagall wasn't kidding them.

" It's a shame they let the old punishments die. There was a time, detentions were found by you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screamings." Filch said and
Y/n snorted.

" Oh, joy. " She muttered sarcastically and Filch glared at her. " You're still on about that?! Get yourself together, man. You're going into the forest. "

Filch said to Hagrid, who was sniffling and Y/n smiled sadly. " The Forest?! I thought that was a joke. We can't go in there. Students aren't allowed and there are...Werewolves."

Y/n bit her lip to keep herself from laughing at Mafloy's scared face.

" There's more than Werewolves in those trees man. You can be sure of that. I'll be here by the dawn, for what's left of them. Nighty-Night. "

Filch said and walked away towards the castle. Y/n sighed and followed Hagrid quitely towards the forest.

It was eerily silent, and Y/n could hear the occasional snapping of twigs and sticks. Once they reached far enough, Hagrid stopped and bent down in front of a silver puddle.

" Hagrid. What is that? " Harry was the one to ask.

" This, is uncorn's blood, Harry.
What we're here for. I found one dead a few weeks ago. This one's been hurt bad by something. So, it's our job to find the poor beast, " Y/n frowned, wondering who would do such thing.

" Ron, Hermione. You'll come with me. Harry, Malfoy, you'll go with Y/n. " Hagrid says and Y/n nodded. She was determined to find the poor beast.

" I get Fang, then. " Draco demands and Y/n rolled her eyes along with Harry.
" Fine. Just so you know, he's a bloody coward. "

Once Hagrid parts ways with Hermione and Ron, Draco huffs. " Come on,
Fang! " Draco said and started walking ahead.

" Wait till my father hears about this. This is servant's stuff. " Draco complained and Y/n held in the annoyed groan.

" If I didn't know better, Draco. I'd say you were scared. " Harry teased and
Y/n covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing.

" I'm not scared, Potter! " He rolled his eyes and there was a distant sound of a werewolf. Draco jumped, " Did you hear that? "

Y/n nodded, " Definitely not scared. " She giggled and Harry chuckled.
They walked down further and reached a less woody area.

Fang, Hagrid's dog started to whimper and Y/n frowned, looking at it. " What's wrong, Fang? "

Draco suddenly screamed, catching her attention. She looked behind her and stood frozen in her spot. Draco started running away, Fang following loose behind but Y/n and Harry couldn't move.

The scar on her wrist once again started to itch while Harry gasped, clutching on his scar.

The thing that was drinking the unicorn's blood looked up and Y/n took a step back. Harry grabbed her hand, pulling her behind him.

As the thing floated closer to them, Y/n yelped as her leg stuck in a wood, causing her to trip. She dragged Harry along with herself on the ground. Y/n shut her eyes, burying her face behind Harry's shoulder.

The sound of hooves hitting the ground caused the creature to look up and Y/n realised it's a centaur that scared the thing away. She sighed in relief and stood up, helping Harry up.

" You okay? " He asked and Y/n nodded.
" Harry Potter and Y/n-"

" How do you know my name? " Y/n whispered, clinging on Harry's arm.
" You are just as known as Harry Potter to these creatures in the forest. You should not be here at this time. Especially for you two. "

Y/n frowned but brushed it off. She had seen enough strangeness to wonder over his words. " But what was that thing you saved us from? "

Harry asked, " A monstrous creature. It's a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death.....

...But at a terrible price. You have slain something so pure, that, from the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half life. A cursed life. "

" Who would choose such life? " Y/n asked, her eyes on the unicorn that was now dead. " Can you think of no one? "

Y/n looked at the centaur with shock as she put the pieces together. " Do you mean to say, that thing that killed the unicorn, that was drinking it's blood, that was Voldemort? "

" Do you know what's hidden in the school at this very moment,
Mr. Potter? " Y/n sighed. " The Philosopher's Stone. "

Suddenly, there was a familiar bark of Fang, " Harry! Y/n! " Hermione's voice made them turn towards the sound.

Hagrid was there, which made Y/n relieved, " Hello there, Firenze. I see you've met our young Mr. Potter and Miss Moonstone. "

" You alright there, Harry? Y/n? " Harry and Y/n both nodded. " This is where I leave you two. You are safe now, good luck. "

With that said, the centaur disappeared in the darkness of the forest and Y/n pulled Harry towards Hagrid. The rest of the walk was quite.

Once they reached the castle, Y/n sighed. " It was definitely Voldemort." She mumbled and Harry nodded.

" What do you mean? " Hermione asked as Y/n settled on the couch in their common room. " That thing that attacked us, it was Voldemort. Firenze said it was drinking Unicorn's blood and living a half life. That's why he needs the stone. "

Harry sighed, " Now we know why Snape's trying to get the stone. It must be for Voldemort. "

" So you're saying, You-Know-Who is still out there? " Ron asks, gulping. Y/n nodded, " And here I was worrying about my charms exam. "

He said and Y/n looked at Harry. " So if he gets the stone, he will.. " Ron trailed off and Harry nodded, " He'll try to kill me. "

Y/n shook her head, " We're forgetting one thing. " Hermione nodded, " Who's the wizard You-Know-Who fears the most? "

" Dumbledore. " Y/n grinned and Hermione sighed, " So as long as Dumbledore is here, Harry. He can't hurt you. "

A/N: I'm quite glad Philosopher's stone comes to an end quickly, honestly!

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A/N: I'm quite glad Philosopher's stone comes to an end quickly, honestly!

Words Count: 1096

Words Count: 1080

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