Chapter 37

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" Fred and I reckon he's trying to drown himself in the prefects' bathroom. "

- George Weasley.

" You don't think that lesson had anything to do with Lupin, do you? " Y/n asked, as the four gryffindors trudged down the stairs after their D

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" You don't think that lesson had anything to do with Lupin, do you? "
Y/n asked, as the four gryffindors trudged down the stairs after their
D.A.D.A class, that was taken by Snape instead of Lupin because he was sick.

Hermione ran a hand through her curly hair, " It's sort of suspicious, don't you think? " Y/n hummed.

" Because Lupin's Boggart was full moon, did you not notice? " Hermione whispered, glancing at the two boys in front of them. Y/n shook her head,
" I was more likely looking at that Dementor or Harry. "

Hermione nodded, " Fair point but
I did. " Y/n brushed it off. She didn't see Lupin any different even if he turned out to be a Werewolf.

He was still the same professor for her, who was far most best D.A.D.A teacher Hogwarts ever had.

Sighing, she sat on the Gryffindor table for lunch and looked over at Harry,
" Are you ready for the Quidditch match? "

Herry grinned, " Of course, I am. Wood is just taking it hard even though it's Hufflepuff. " Y/n chuckled, but she couldn't help but notice how Harry's smile didn't reach his eyes.

She scooted closer, glad that Hermione and Ron were arguing about something. AGAIN.

" You know you can talk to me. " She mumbled, poking her steak. Harry let out a tired sigh and smiled weakly,
" I hate you sometimes for knowing me so well. "

Y/n chuckled, " Stop lying to yourself. You love me! " She teased, nudging the boy. Harry shook his head and took a bite of his food.

" It's nothing. I'm just worried about the match and-"

" Don't give me that nonsense, " Y/n huffed, letting her head fall on the boy's shoulder, " I know it's something else. Just tell me when you can. "

Harry smiled to himself and hummed slightly, " Well, hurry up and eat. " He nudged and Y/n nodded. Feeling eyes on herself, she looked up, her eyes meeting Draco's.

Y/n frowned at him but Draco only rolled his eyes and scoffed at her before looking away. She looked beside him and saw Blaise smirking.

He waved once he spotted Y/n and the girl snickered, nodding in acknowledge.
" That's Blaise Zabini right? Why is he waving at you? "

Harry asked, frowning. " Oh, we talked last night in Astronomy. Turns out he isn't that bad. He doesn't believe in that stupid blood supremacy and all shit-"

" What did I tell you about cursing,
N/n?! " Harry groaned and Y/n giggled,
shaking her head. " You won't be able to hold me back, Harry Potter. You might as well give up. "

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