Chapter 20

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" Finish that, I dare you Malfoy. You know nothing about her so shut up. "

- Harry Potter.

Trudging down the empty hallway, Y/n couldn't think of anything but who her parents and brother would be

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Trudging down the empty hallway, Y/n couldn't think of anything but who her parents and brother would be.

Recently, the thoughts and questions were occupying her mind. She couldn't go through them without wondering if they were alive, or even if they knew of her.

A sigh escaped her lips as she looked out at the bright day outside Hogwarts. Apparently, she had three classes yet so she wasn't free anytime soon.

" Oi, Moosntone. " She frowned and whipped around, finding Crabbe and Goyle making their way towards her.
A groan escaped her lips. " What do you want? "

Without saying anything, all Crabbe did was to snatch her bag. She glared at him, a complain escaping her lips.
" Give that back, you stupid-"

A loud laugh boomed and Y/n huffed.
" Of course, it's you. " She turned to Draco Malfoy, who looked at her smugly. She ignored his annoying smirk and tried to reach for the bag.

" Take it, take it. " The bag was tossed towards Goyle. Y/n squinted her eyes, her jaw clenched. As she reached to get the bag once more, she was however, pushed to the ground roughly.

Sudden pain rushed through her arm and she winced as her hand hit the ground, she immediately stopped herself from putting further weight on it.

Y/n grabbed her wrist, her face pulled into a frown at the surging pain in her hand. Y/n got up and winced once more, but only glared at Malfoy.

" And here I was thinking your mommy taught you better than that, Malfoy. "

She scoffed, kicking Goyle's leg, who instantly dropped the bag. Y/n took it and swung it around her shoulder,
" Don't you dare bring my parents into this! "

Draco Malfoy was fuming to say the least. But Y/n wasn't fazed. " Of course I won't. I'm simply questioning what she taught you about treating girls. "

She rolled her eyes and glared at the two goons, " And you two, I won't hesitate to hex you into oblivion, mark my words. "

She hissed, pushing past them towards infirmary. She had long ignored the fact  that lunch was nearly over. She quickly got to Madame Pomfrey and got her wrist to heal.


Draco's Pov.


" And here I was thinking your mommy taught you better than that, Malfoy. "
Anger consumed me, how dare she bring my parents up like that? Who does she think she is?

" Don't you dare bring my parents into this! " I threatened, my anger getting the better of me. But she just scoffed.

" Of course I won't. I'm simply questioning what she taught you about treating girls. " The words left me speechless. I hated to admit it, but she was right. Mother would be terrified if I ever tell her I laid a hand on a girl.

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