Chapter 18

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" LUIS?!!! "

- Y/n Moonstone (Potter) .

Stepping on the train, Y/n waved at her uncle goodbye

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Stepping on the train, Y/n waved at her uncle goodbye. She felt like crying again. She had loads of fun the whole summer.

But she was more worried about Harry. He hadn't replied to any of her letter over the past four months. She just hoped he was alright.

As the train started moving, she looked through compartments and found only Hermione. " Mione!!!! " Shs squealed and pulled the girl in a tight hug.

" How are you?! How was New York? " Y/n beamed, " You won't believe! It was breathtaking. I mean, the sceneries and places I visited. Oh, boy! I want to go there again. "

Y/n sighed dreamily and Hermione chuckled, " I'm glad you had fun, N/n. But did Harry reply to you? "
Y/n's smile instantly dropped as she realised it.

" No, he didn't. I hope he's okay. Hold on!! I checked the whole train and he's not in, and neither is Ron!! " Y/n widened her eyes and looked at Hermione, who seemed to be thinking the same.

Y/n huffed and dropped on the seat.
" If they miss train, they're done for the year. " She frowned and looked out of the window. Hermione sighed.
" They're ways in trouble. I'm pretty sure they're alright. "

Y/n nodded, looking over at her best friend. She couldn't help but notice how Hermione had grown taller. She was taller herself. But not much.

The half of the ride passed and Y/n told Hermione about every detail on her vacation. Once she was done, she sighed and listened to Hermione.
She honestly couldn't get bored of talking hours with Hemrione.

As they were reaching, she got up. Seeing as Hermione was already in her robes, Y/n had yet to change. " I'll change and wait for you outside. "

Hermione nodded. Y/n simply grabbed her bag and headed towards the bathroom. She stripped and pulled on the white button up blouse and skirt with robes. Wearing her tie, she corrected her hair and grabbed her bag.

As she stepped out, she could hear a commotion down the hallway. She frowned and looked forward. She could see the unmistakable platinum blonde hair and his two goons.

And it seemed like they were bullying someone. She huffed and stomped her way towards them. " Go pick on someone your own size, will you, Malfoy? " She crossed her arms, glaring at the boy.

Hearing her, all of them turned their heads towards her. Y/n rolled her eyes as Malfoy scoffed. " Just mind your own business, Moonstone. "

" You should do too before saying that to others. " Y/n snapped, her eyes landing on the victim. She immediately grinned. " LUIS?!!! "

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