Chapter 22

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" There's no counter curse. That's why we use Mandrakes. "

- Y/n Moonstone (Potter).

" He had it coming

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" He had it coming. " Y/n argued faintly, a frown on her face as she crossed her arms across her chest.

Professor McGonagall pressed her lips in a thin line, " And what did Mr. Flint do in order for you to hex him Miss Moonstone? "

Y/n bit her lower lip, " They were insulting Hermione. Malfoy called her a mudblood. " Y/n grimaces and McGonagall looked at her surprised.
" He didn't! "

" He did. " Y/n huffed, wearily glancing at Snape across the room. " You're getting off the subject, Minerva. " He stated in his monotonous voice and McGonagall looked at Snape.

" I'm afraid you'll have to attend detention with Professor Lockhart, Miss Moonstone. I hope you understand the consequences of your actions. " Y/n bit back her smile, " Of course, professor. "

She stood up, " I'd do that again if necessary. " She grinned cheekily before making her way towards the door, ignoring a heavy sigh from McGonagall.

" She's more like Lily than James as her personality. " She heard faintly with Snape's grunt in agreement but couldn't quite place the words as she focused on the door.

By the door stood Fred and George Weasley, grinning. " Hello! " She giggled, letting Fred throw his arm around her shoulder.

" That was quite a show, love. Are you sure you're not regretting it? " Y/n scoffed, " Pfft. No way! "

She ignored the glares of Slytherins as she walked by with Fred and George.
Draco didn't get it. He was hoping she'd cry over the detention she received.

But he realised Weasley Twins are rubbing off their personality on her as she walked by, grinning. He rolled his eyes as she made eye contact and again, acted as if she didn't see anything.

It annoyed him. Why did she have to be that way Weasleys and practically ignore his presence? " Stupid Gryffindors! "

He spat, heading towards the Great Hall for lunch. As he sat down on his Slytherin table, he groaned as Y/n was facing him from across the Hall.

Luis, who Draco liked to call dumb Hufflepuff, was sitting beside her and the two were in deep conversation. Y/n was beaming at the boy as he talked.

Draco hated him with every fibre of his being. How could someone be nice to a halfblood? He thought, looking at them with a grimace.

However, Blaise Zabini, a dark skinned boy and his best friend sitting beside him looked at Draco amused. " You okay, mate? "

Draco rolled his eyes, " Of course, I
am! " He snapped, still glaring at Y/n and Luis, who were laughing over something. Draco noticed Harry Potter was also glancing at the two wearily.

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