Chapter 29

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" What are you doing here? "

- Draco Malfoy.

" Please uncle Chris?! " Y/n pouted, pulling the best puppy eyes she could

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" Please uncle Chris?! " Y/n pouted, pulling the best puppy eyes she could.
Christopher avoided looking at her and shook his head.

" No, sweetheart. Maybe next year. "
Y/n huffed, knowing her uncle won't budge. " Fine, I'm going to dye my hair next year! And that's final! "

She said loudly before retreating to the living room and plopping on the couch. She had been wanting to get some highlights to her black hair but Christopher wouldn't budge.

Sighing loudly on purpose, she flipped through channels and stopped at some random ones. She wasn't paying attention. All she wanted to do was either dye her hair or go meet Harry or something.

She was missing him so much this summer she couldn't be sure if she'd last. She had written him several letters and this time, luckily he had replied but it wasn't the same.

" I want to meet Harry! " She whined and Christopher sat beside her, raising an eyebrow as he handed her a mug of coffee.

" Honey, you know his uncle and aunt doesn't allow him to. Besides, with Sirius Black on escape, it's unsafe. " He smiled sympathetically and Y/n huffed, nodding. " I know. But he said they're treating him worse. "

Christopher really didn't like it. Abusing children was a thought he hated the most and he had talked with Dumbledore several times if he could get Harry to live with him instead.

But Dumbledore was always persistent on keeping Harry with his aunt and uncle, he didn't know why.

Sighing, he shifted closer and grabbed his niece's hand, " How about we go to Diagon Alley and get your things to distract you? "

Y/n smiled and nodded, " I think that'd be nice. Besides, I've got two more subjects this year. " She sighed and Christopher chuckled.

" Which ones? " Y/n beamed, " Care of Magical Creatures and Divination. Although I don't think divination is going to be my strong suit... " She giggled and her uncle smiled, pulling her to her feet.

" You'll do just fine. Now go get ready! " Y/n nodded and ran upstairs to get ready. She opened her closet and took out some outfit to wear.

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