Chapter 43

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" You too, seeing as you are getting
old. "

- Y/n Moonstone (Potter).

" Get in! "

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" Get in! "

Y/n grinned as Luis jumped inside.
" Hello, you must be Luis. " Christopher smiled and Luis nodded. " Yes, sir. I'm Luis Bennett. "

" I like him, already, " Christopher winked at Y/n, who flushed, " But no need to call me sir. It makes me feel old. Please call me Chris. "

Luis grinned and shook his hand,
" Alright. I'm so excited. " Luis grinned and Y/n chuckled. " Oh, you'll love it. Both of you! "

Chris beamed as they started driving again while Y/n chatted happily with Luis all the way. " Kids! Ready to fly? " Y/n giggled as the car turned invisible ans started to float in the air.

Luis widened his eyes and Y/n nodded, " That's how we get to the Burrow. " Luis gaped in the sky, awestruck.
" It's so cool! "

Y/n grinned as she spotted the Burrow. " There! " As they landed, Y/n quickly got off and ran towards the door, where Harry stood.

" You need a haircut. "

Harry laughed, " That's all you had to say? " He mumbled against her shoulder and Y/n hummed. " Where's Hermione and Ron? "

" Inside. You go on! " Harty nudged and Y/n nodded. " Weasleys, your favorite person is here! " She yelled and heard thundering Foosteps.

Y/n was instantly swarmed in hugs, causing her to giggle. " Ah! Y/n, dear. Look at you! You look absolutely beautiful! "

Y/n smiled, " Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. " Y/n said, returning the hug. " Call me Molly, dear. " Y/n chuckled and nodded.
That must've been the hundreth time she was saying to Y/n.

" There's the third member, " Fred and George grinned and Y/n hugged the two. " No way! Why are you both so tall? " She huffed, causing others to laugh.

Y/n kissed Hermione's cheek and pulled her in another hug. " Luis is here. " Hermione whispered and Y/n smirked,
" Oh, I'm going to kill you! "

Hermione laughed and Y/n shook her head. As the day downed, Y/n sat chatting with Ron, Harry, Luis and Hermione in Ron's room that he was sharing with Harry and Luis.


Next Morning.


" Harry, wake up! " Y/n frowned and shook the boy. He looked like he was having a nightmare. " Harry! " She said louder and Harry sat up.

" Y/n! Bad dream! " He dismissed, seeing her worried face. " We'll talk about it later. But get up for now and get ready. Breakfast is ready. "

She said softly and reached to wake Luis up. " Luis! Luo, wake up! " The boy groaned and Y/n snickered with Hermione. " How do these boys sleep so tight? "

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