Chapter 32

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" Oh, my dear boy! You have the Grim. "

- Sybil Trelawney.

Waking up, Y/n realised Hermione already left

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Waking up, Y/n realised Hermione already left. Then she recalled Hermione had an early class. She sighed and dragged herself to the bathroom.

Once she got ready, she brushed her hair and let them cascade down her shoulder blades. She rolled the lip balm over her lips and set it in her bag before leaving the dorm room.

Once she reached for Breakfast, Harry and Ron were already there. " Look at that, I'm forgotten, huh? " She teased, sliding beside Harry, who chuckled.

" You can say that, yes. " Y/n punched his shoulder playfully before pouring herself a cup of coffee and grabbing a croissant.

" Ehas first? " Ron asked, his mouth full of toast that made Y/n scrunch her face. " Ronald, I swear to God if you talk like this again-"

Ron quickly gulped down the food and raised his hands up in defense.
" Alright, alright. What's first? " Y/n took out her schedule.

" Ugh! Divination! What a start of the day?! " She rolled her eyes and Harry nodded, " Me too. Where's Hermione? "

" She had an early class. " Y/n took a sio of her cup and Ron frowned. " How many classes is she taking this year anyway? "

Y/n grinned, " No idea. " She shook her head and finished the last bite of her croissant before getting up. " Hey! I'm still eating! "

Ron complained and Harry got up too. Y/n snickered, " The class starts in fifteen minutes, we have a long way up the North Tower. " She called and Ron huffed, grabbing his bag and following the two out.

" I'm going to drop it after two class if I don't find it interesting. " She frowned and Ron snorted, " What are you going to fill objective with? "

Y/n smiled, her eyes twinkling, " Well there's always Astronomy, Ron. It's much more beautiful and interesting. " She beamed and Harry smiled to himself.

( A/N: I know Astronomy is a core subject in Hogwarts, not elective but for the sake of the book, it becomes elective from third year and above.)

" Yeah, right. You'd love that. " Harry smiled and Y/n nodded. Once they reached the North Tower, Y/n sighed.

" I need more exercise. " She giggled, looking around for the class. " I think there. " She reached a small door and pushed it open.

" This is it. " She grumbled and entered the class, heading towards an empty table. Only a few Ravenclaws and Gryfindors were present.

Y/n settled with Harry and Ron on a circular table, in between the two boys. As the class started to fill in, Y/n spotted the familiar blond entering.

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