Chapter 40

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" You both have Lily's eyes. "

- Sirius Black.

" You better go

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" You better go. "

Ron said, clutching on his leg. " Go, Harry. We'll be here. " Hermione reassured and Y/n nodded.

" No, I think you should come with
me. " Harry mumbled and grabbed
Y/n's arm, " I'm still clueless as to what's happening. "

Harry smiled softly, " You'll know. " He mumbled, reaching Sirius, who was looking at the outline of the castle.

" It's beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do as a free man. "
Y/n let out a sigh, staring at the beautiful humongous castle ahead of them.

" That was a noble thing, you did back there. He doesn't deserve it. " Sirius said, looking at both Y/n and Harry.
" Well, I just think dad wouldn't want his two best friends to be killers. "

Y/n nodded, unknown of what to do or say. " I don't know if you know, Harry, Y/n. But when you were born, James and Lily made me your godfather. "

Harry smiled, " I know. " While Y/n gave Harry a puzzled look, " How come you know everything and I'm still clueless? "

Sirius chuckled along with Harry, " I understand if you want to stay with your aunt and uncle, Harry . But if you ever wanted to live in a different place, you're always welcome. "

" Come and live with you? " Harry beamed and Sirius nodded. Y/n realised she isn't getting any answers so she turned towards the group behind.

Her eyes widened as she spotted the full moon. " Harry! " Hermione yelled and everyone noticed it too.

Sirius instantly ran towards Lupin while Y/n made her way towards Pettigrew, " Expelliarmus! " She yelled, spotting Pettigrew with Lupin's wand.

But the man simply waved mockingly and turned into a rat, running away.
" No! " Y/n was about to follow the rat when Harry pulled her back.

Lupin threw Sirius away into the bushes and Y/n gasped. " We need to leave. "

" No, wait! " Hermione said and Y/n shook her head, " No, Hermione. It doesn't work like that-"

" Professor. " Hermione ignored Y/n and inched towards the werewolf,
" Professor Lupin. "

The werewolf only growled instead, causing Y/n to pull Hermione backwards. The werewolf slowly inched closer the four teens but suddenly, Snape appeared.

" There you are, Potter-" He stopped as he spotted the werewolf and whipped around, wrapping his arms around the four in a secure manner.

Sirius jumped in action as Lupin went to attack and Y/n watched with a pained expression as both of them fought each other.

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