7:22 Am
*You wake up and you go and look in Katherines and Kai's room to see if there still sleeping but there not there so you walk down stairs to find Kai making breakfast* "good morning,you are up early"*you say with a smile on your face* "what can I say I like to get things done" *kai smirks at you* "eww...stop don't ever say that again" *kai laughs and hands you a plate with eggs bacon and hash browns,you start to eat and Kai sits next to you* "so where is Katherine?"
*you say watching Kai play with his food* "Kai why do you even make food if your just going to play with it!? *your looking at Kai with one eyebrow up*
"I don't because I can't make pancakes and I really want pancakes but you never make me pancakes anymore!! *kai places his head on your shoulder *
"Can you make me some pancakes?" *you look at him* "okay fine!!" *get up and start making pancakes,then someone walks in* "hey bitch's!"
*katherine say while throwing her keys on the sofa*
"Where did you go kat!,I literally woke up and I walked to your room and you where not there!"
*you slam your hand on the counter* "well I'm sorry I was having quality time with Stefan" *she sits next to kai* "oh really? Or where you and Steven just having sex? *kai says looking at Katherine* "its STEFAN,and I have some news!" *she walks to you * "WE ARE GOING TO A PARTY TODAY!" *you and Kai look at each other* "okay?" *you hand Kai the pancakes with blueberries with wipe cream to look like fangs* "you better eat them!" "I will miss bossy pants" *you roll your eyes* "so when is this party?"
*you sit next to Kai* "umm in about 3 hours" *katherine says playing on her phone* "well I'm going to take a shower and get ready!" *you stand up and put your plate in the sink* "can I come?" *kai smirks at you* "yeah sure!" *kai gets up so fast* "really!?" "No dork!" *you push his shoulder he rolls his eyes and you walk upstairs to get ready...*

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