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*7:00 and it's almost time for the date*

*7:05 Kai walks in while your doing you makeup* "y/n are you almost ready?" "Yes I just need to do my makeup" *he takes something out of your makeup bag* "what the heck is this?" "That's mascara,now give it" *you take it out of his hand a laugh* "well that was rude y/n,how is he?*he rubs your stomach* "he's better then earthly this morning" *you smile and put your makeup bag back where it is supposed to be* "no we can go"

(Your outfit)

*you finally get to the place and it's a beach (it looks like the picture) you and Kai walk out and go a sit down* "Kai this is so beautiful" "I know I picked it out!" *he smirks* "oh don't flatter yourself" *he laughs and you guys wait for the wa...

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*you finally get to the place and it's a beach (it looks like the picture) you and Kai walk out and go a sit down* "Kai this is so beautiful" "I know I picked it out!" *he smirks* "oh don't flatter yourself" *he laughs and you guys wait for the waitress*

*it's been like 5 minutes and the waitress finally comes* "hi I'm Ellie and I will be taking your order today,what would you guys like?" *she looks at kai* "I will have a hamburger" *he looks the girl up and down and bits his lips,you couldn't really get mad because you guys weren't dating so you just brushed it off* "I will have (you can pick anything you want)" "okay I will be back with your guys food" *she winks at Kai and gives him a paper* "huh?" *kai says opening the note*
(It says..)
call me ;)
541 927 3116
"What does it say?" *you ask kai*
"oh I-umm..." *you take the note and open it,you don't say anything because you guys are not really dating,but how could she not see the baby bump?...* "y/n I will just throw it away an-" "Kai it's fine we aren't even together..." *you and Kai just sit there until he says something*
"you look really pretty y/n" "thanks you,you don't look so bad yourself"

*its been about 15 minutes and the food is ready* "here is the hand burger and (what you wanted)" "thank you" * you said not meaning it* "thank you" *kai says smirking,you roll your eyes and she goes away,you and Kai talk for awhile*

*after dinner Katie comes and get the dishes* "hey can I get your name?" *she asks kai* "actually he's my boyfriend" *you say smiling at her* "boy-boyfriend?" *she asks* "yeah he's my boyfriend and he is the father of my baby" *you stand up and and she sees your bump* "I umm am so sorry for the inconvenience" *she say fats walking away* "sorry for the inconvenience" *you say mocking her* "we umm should get back to the car" *kai says* "oh yeah.." *you and Kai walk back to the car and you guys don't say anything to each other until kai says* "so I'm your boyfriend?" "Kai I just got-" "jealous?" *kai says grabbing your hand* "uh you can call it that I guess" "y/n I will always love you and only you" *he smiles at you*
-518 words

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