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A/n-Okay..so I decided that's this is gonna be the last part for this book,but I'm have other Kai books and others that you 🥴might🥴 like but I love you all so much let's get this going!!!!




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The twins-20

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The twins-20

Today me and Kai are going to have dinner with Xavier he's finally gonna propose to devyn the girls all have boyfriends and girlfriends yes Veronica is lesbian she told us when she was 16 she has a amazing girlfriend and Vanessa has a lovely boyfr...

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Today me and Kai are going to have dinner with Xavier he's finally gonna propose to devyn the girls all have boyfriends and girlfriends yes Veronica is lesbian she told us when she was 16 she has a amazing girlfriend and Vanessa has a lovely boyfriend!

Veronica's girlfriend:

Vanessa's boyfriend Kairi ☟︎

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Vanessa's boyfriend
Kairi ☟︎

☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎☁︎︎"Kai you ready to go?" "Yeah let's go princess" he says and you walk to the car he opens it and you get in "thank you" "of course"

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"Kai you ready to go?" "Yeah let's go princess" he says and you walk to the car he opens it and you get in "thank you" "of course"

We finally made it to dinner and we see the twins and Xavier "hey princess's" Kai says hugging the twins "hey bby" you say hugging Xavier and then the girls "hey mom,dad" they all say "where is dev,kairi and Anna?" You say looking around "oh there over at the table come on" Veronica says "oh okay" we walk to the table and we sit down "hey Anna and kairi" you smile and hug them and Kai hugs Anna and shakes kairis hands "how are you guys" I say and sit down (a/n-I feel old!😭 in this! But vampires don't grow old!) "I'm good" Anna says "me too,how are you?" Kairi says "good thank you" I say and smile *kai has never really liked kairi I don't know why maybe because he's a wolf...idk though but he doesn't I can just see the anger in his eyes him shaking his leg looking super angry "your okay" I says putting my hand on his leg "I hate him" "it's okay kai...relax"

We just got done eating and Xavier gets up and proposes to devyn "devyn will you make me be the happiest man on earth and be my wife?" He says and a tear comes from devyns eyes "yes yes yes!" She says and he puts the ring on her finger and kisses her.
Everyone start clapping and hugging them

The dinner is finally over and me kai go home I was feeling very sick the whole time but I didn't wanna tell Kai so...*I think I'm pregnant* I take one of the pregnancy test from when devyn thought she was pregnant (A/n-I didn't make a part for this) I took the pregnancy test and I yk and I put it faced down and  waited 5min "babe? U okay?" Kai ask knocking on my door "yeah I'm okay!"

After 5 min I flipped it over and...

Keep going


Pregnant! "Omfg how will I tell Kai"

The end...
I hope you guys liked this story I wasn't posting for like months I honestly don't know why I love Kai so much I made so many story's and I'm still working on them for him,this story Has come so long I can't believe it...12k views! I love you all and I really hope! You have the best Christmas ever!😭😩
I ❤️ YOU



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