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*me and Kai walk down stairs and he sees Devy and he walks up to her* "hi I'm Kai Xaviers dad" "hi I'm devy and you must be?" "Oh I'm y/n Xavier mom" "oh your like really young so I thought your his sister or something" *I laugh* "well thank you sweetheart" "this is Veronica and Vanessa" "hi!" *they both said* "hello!" *she ducked down and hugs them*

«I'm gonna skip to the part where y'all are having dinner and Kai asks the big question 😏»

"So uhh Devy and you a human?" "Uhh I'm actually a Heretic" *I see a smile on Kai's face,he might actually be proud* "oh wow,I'm happy to hear that.." *Devy smiles and looks at Xavier*

«Xaviers POV»
*wow I think dads proud of my,I'm glad* "so umm dad I was wondering if she can stay here for awhile her mom and dad kinda kicked her out after they found out she had a boyfriend" *i see my mom put her hand on my dads leg* "yeah that's okay what about you y/n?" "Yeah that's okay with me I'm happy to have her here"

«after diner»
«y/n POV»
*the dinner went really well and we are gonna have Devy stay with us for a while!*
"Okay Xavier we are gonna go to bed" "ok goodnight" "night" "good night mr and mrs Parker" "please call us y/n and Kai" "o-okay" *she smiles and we walk the girls upstairs to go to bed*

«back with you and Kai»
«Kai's POV»
*I Devy wasn't to bad she is a Heretic after all!*
«your POV»
"She so beautiful and nice" *I say to kai* "yeah she is really nice I'm actually really surprised" *you smile and get on top of kai* "I love you" *you smirk* "I love you too princess" *he starts to kiss you neck* "mhmmm" *he puts his finger over your lips* "she there gonna hear you moan my name"
*he does that smirk*

«back with you and Kai»«Kai's POV»*I Devy wasn't to bad she is a Heretic after all!*«your POV»"She so beautiful and nice" *I say to kai* "yeah she is really nice I'm actually really surprised" *you smile and get on top of kai* "I love you" *you sm...

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A/N-Should I make it a smut next and then do it where the girls are older or should I do only when the girls are older?<3 I feel like I need to start posting more!!!😩

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