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Hey guys someone asked if you guys are married? Yes you are I'm so sorry I didn't add it in the last on!❤️ thank you for 6k read!!🥺
Word count-439
"You have a girlfriend!" *you and Kai say* "yeah..." *Xavier says playing with his fingers* "hey girls you should go play with your toys" "okay mommy!" *the girls run upstairs* "and are you have sex?" *kai says* "uhhh..." "you heard your father" "yes we are..." *you look at Kai,and think about how you had Xavier at 17 and you didn't want Xavier to go through father hood soon* "and...are you using protection?" *you say* "yes mom!..can we just stop talking about this?" "You will not raise your voice at your mother,we don't want the same mistakes to happen to you that happened to us!" *Xavier looks at me with tears in his eyes,he starts to run upstairs* " Xavier wait!" *he ran upstairs..* "Kai!" "What!?" "He was never a mistake,and you will not call him that!" "Babe that's not what I m-" "no! I don't wanna hear it!" *you walk upstairs,you walk in his room to see him laying in bed* "hey hun.." "hey mom" "baby you were never a mistake you know that right?" "That's not what dad said.." "We just want you to be careful that's all" "I am! But dad just said that I was a mistake that makes me not wanna be alive anymore!" *he says crying* "Babe don't says that!" *you grab him and hug him really tight*

*It's been a long day Xavier still hasn't came out of his room the girls are sleeping and you haven't talked to kai all day* "okay I'm gonna go to bed" * you told kai without giving him a kiss or saying "I love you" because you didn't really want to talk to kai* "night" *you walk up stairs and go to sleep*

20 min later
*I feel Kai get into bed and rap his arm around my waist* "I love you" *he says kissing your neck* "I love you to kai" "it doesn't really sound like that..?" *he says laying on his back* "I mean if Kai I do but what you said to Xavier was not okay...he was crying...you know he doesn't cry" "I know y/n! I fucked Up!" *you put your head on his chest* "Kai calm down just promise me you will talk to him tomorrow.." "okay fine"

Ahhh tea!! 🍵 sorry I wasn't posting I was at the beach with my BFF and I didn't wanna be on my phone all day!❤️

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