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*kai gave in on Xaviers new girlfriend but with all the attention and wondering what Xaviers doing we never got the chance to talk to the girl that much so You decided to take them to "toys are us" to get them anything they want*

*you feel really bad for the girls but also you need to keep a eye out for Xavier*

"Girls!" *you call them from down stairs* "yes mom!" *they both say* "what happened to mommy?" "We are a too old for that!" *veronica said* "so mean..." *you fake cry* "I will still call you mommy!" *vanessa says* "no baby it's okay I'm joking" "oh okay!" "Go get your guys shoes on!" "Okay!"

*kai rapes his arms around your waist and starts kissing your neck* "hey to you to..." "babe I'm in the mood..." "not right now...mmm" "please baby girl.." "I'm taking t-the girls to the store I c-cant" "tell them there closed" *you turn to face kai* "no we haven't been giving them any attention because we have been giving it all to Xavier,so I gotta do something....but maybe later" *you wink at him* "what ever you say" *he smirks and kisses you* "eww get a room...." *Xavier says walking down the stairs* "oh we would but we have you and your sisters running around" *kai smirks* "you guys are disgusting..." * Xavier says getting a cup of water and snack,so he can chip and finally turn on the tv,you roll your eyes and the girls come running down* "we are done!" *both the girls say* (A/n-I swear they say everything together!💀) "okay let's go!" "Okay! By daddy!" *they hug him good bye and you guys get in the car and leave!*

A/n-I'm gonna edit the shopping now!❤️ thank you for all the support!! Ily!😩

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