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*you are 9 month pregnant and you can give birth at any second now*
May 8th 2021
*you woke up to see Kai cooking in the kitchen* "hey y/n" "hey Kai what are you making?" "Im making pancakes!" "Okay" *you smile and laugh a little because Kai always gets excited for pancakes*
*5 min later*
"Y/n!" *kai shouted while you where in the living room watching tv* "yeah?" "Foods ready" "okay I'm coming" *right when you got up you could feel water going down your leg and a lot of pain* "ahhh!" *kai runs in the living room* "y/n! What happened why is there water on the ground?" "Kai You need to take me to the hospital now!" *kai pick you and grabs his keys and the hospital bag but your most likely going home today because your a vampire and you heal fast*
"Kai I-it hurt's" "it's okay y/n we are almost there!"

*I can see y/n is in a lot of pain but I don't know what to do I'm only 17 maybe having a kid was a bad idea me and y/n aren't even together...,but I remember that time when y/n stomach was hurting and I put my hand on her stomach maybe that will work?,kai puts his hand on your stomach*

*kai put his hand on your stomach and the pain was there only a little bit* "I have to call me mom and dad" *you grab your phone out of Kai's pants pocket and called your mom and dad* "hey baby what up?" *bonnie said* "mom my water just broke and I need you to meet me at the hospital with dad okay?" "Okay we will be there soon" *by the time your done talking to you parents Your there,kai brings you in* "Elena and jo we need you y/n is giving birth" *kai says* "okay put her on here" *jo bring a bed and bring you to the room and you guys start trying* "okay y/n start pushing in 3....2....1" "ahhh" *you push but it hurts to much* "come on y/n you got this we will have a little boy running around you got this" *kai says holding your hand* "okay y/n try again in 3....2....1" *you do it!* (baby crying) *you hear the baby cry and it makes you cry* "okay y/n we have to take...?and what is the baby's boys name?" *elena says and you look at Kai* "Kai what do you think?"

Comment down names and I will choose!!💕💕

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