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*The test said PREGNANT!!,you start to cry and you opened up the door to walk out to kai* "baby why are you crying? Is it bad or good news?" "Look" *you give him the pregnancy,he looks at you* "really?!" "Yeah!" *you smile and Kai picks you up and kisses you* "wait?" *you turn your head sideways* "yes?" "What are we going to name him or her or them?" "Them?" "Yeah my family has two sets of twins" "oh.....i..ummm I-I need to take a shower" "baby what's wrong?" "Nothing I just need to take a shower that's all" *he grabs your arm* "baby for real tell me..." "fine...I umm I don't think I'm ready for a baby I want a baby but it's just that I-" *kai pulls you in for a hug and you cry* "hey? Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want you to get mad..." "baby I would never get mad at you,I love you and if you weren't ready witch I know you are then you should have told me!" "I know I'm sorry.....do you think I will be a good mom?" "Yes you would be a perfect mom" "thank you baby" *you kiss kai* "so when are we going to tell everyone?" *kai says caring you to the bed* "umm I'm not sure but I don't this soon" "okay when ever you are ready" *he lays you on the bed and cuddles with you🥺*

(I'm so sorry if that is not what you wanted,and that I haven't been posting I had a birthday party and I just wanted to spend as much time with my family as I can I don't get to see them as often anymore) I love you all so so much!!💕😩

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