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*me and the girls get home and the girls start showing Kai what they got* "look daddy! I got makeup" *vanessa says* "uhh..I don't know how I feel about you wearing makeup..." "it's okay daddy I won't wear it out!" "Ok.." *kai laughs and sits down* "look I got slime!" *veronica says* "make sure you do that outside,okay?" "Okay dad!"
*kai pats his lab and you walk and sit on his lap* "hi" "hey baby girl" "what do you need?" "You" *he says looking at your lips and smirking* "not yet.." "your pretty much teasing me" "no this is teasing" *you move around on his yk* "MhM" *he grabs your hips*
"daddy are you okay?" "Uhh yeah I-I'm fine"

That night/after dinner😏:
"Okay are you guys ready for bed?"
"Yeah I am I'm super tired" *vennessa says* "me to!" *veronica added* "okay come on!" *you and the girls run upstairs and the girls change into this

That night/after dinner😏:"Okay are you guys ready for bed?" "Yeah I am I'm super tired" *vennessa says* "me to!" *veronica added* "okay come on!" *you and the girls run upstairs and the girls change into thisVeronica:

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*I tuck them in bed and kisses vanessa on the cheek* "good night mommy and daddy!" *vanessa says* "goodnight pretty girl" *kai says,I walk over to veronica and kiss her goodnight* "goodnight mom and dad" "goodnight baby" *i say*

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*I tuck them in bed and kisses vanessa on the cheek* "good night mommy and daddy!" *vanessa says* "goodnight pretty girl" *kai says,I walk over to veronica and kiss her goodnight* "goodnight mom and dad" "goodnight baby" *i say*

*I walk to Xaviers room to see if he is sleeping* "hey x goodnight.." "goodnight mom" *I give him a kiss in the forehead and I walk to are room*

walk to the bathroom and put this on😉:

*I walk back out and Kai looks at me up and down* "what?" *you say while smirking* "y/n please help!" *he says putting a pillow over his D!ck* "mmm

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*I walk back out and Kai looks at me up and down* "what?" *you say while smirking* "y/n please help!" *he says putting a pillow over his
D!ck* "mmm.. I'm kinda sleepy" *you say climbing over kai so you can get to your side of the bed* "mmm no!" *he grabs your hips and  puts you on his lap,then he start kissing,you go down to his neck and start leaving marks* "MmM" *kai says while grabbing your ass,he takes your shirt off and takes your shorts off and flips you over so your on the bottom,he takes your bra off and starts sucking on your nipples* "uhh Kai.." *he smirks and start going down to your underwear he takes them off and starts finger fucking you* "UhHhH..." *he puts your hand over your mouth* "shhh princess the kids are sleeping"
*he puts his face down to your heat and starts eating you out* "mhmm"
"Uhh" "keep going"

Xaviers POV:
A/n-this "font" is his thoughts

"Oh god are they.."

"No there not.."

"I can hear my own mom moan...gross!"

"Oh my lord if the don't stop I might just throw up"
*I thought*

Back to your POV:
*kai grabs my waist and puts me on top* "ride me" *you start riding him* "yes princess keep going" *kai says with his head on the pillow* "you feel so good princess..uhh"
"You feel so nice inside me daddy"
*I can feel like I'm gonna cum* "I'm gonna cum!" "Do it princess!"
*me and Kai came he flips you over so your on all fours,he push's your face down so your ass is up*

*he then puts it in and start pulling your hair so your back is touching his chest* "uhhh that's feels so good" "I'm glade daddy makes you feel good"

After 10 minutes:
*You came about 5 min ago and Kai is still going* "uhh kai I cant!" "Hold on baby girl I'm almost there" *he flips you back on your back and puts it in again he put both your legs on his shoulders and starts fucking you* "uhhh yesss" *he finally came and you laid down and cuddle* "I love you" *kai says kissing you* "I love you too...that was new.." "what was?" "The legs on the shoulders we have never done that" "well was it good?" "Yes it felt so good" "good,I wanted you to feel good since we haven't done it in like 3 months" *you smile and go to sleep*

A/n-I feel like what I just wrote was illegal..👁👄👁
This was so long lmaoo
Word count-687

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