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"You wished I was dead?" *kai says looking at Xavier* "no!" "Really?" "I said that....I didn't have to have a dad I didn't say I wanted you to die" "Xavier!" *you say yelling* "it's not my fault dads such a asshole!...no wonder why grandpa sent you to that hell hole!" "Xav-" "no he's right..." *kai grabs your shoulder* "no he's not!" "You heard him! I'm right!"

"Xavier go to your room!" *you say looking at him upset "Bitch!" *he runs up stairs and Kai vamp speeds to him and push's him on the ground* "what did you just call your mom?" "I said she a BITCH!" *kai start punching Xavier* "Kai!" *you run up and push Kai off* "what the hell!" "Your just gonna let him talk to you like that?!" "He's 16! He's still young!" *you say while Xavier is crying in your chest* "I'm leaving!" *kai says grabbing the car keys* "whatever kai..." *you say rubbing Xaviers back*

Teaaa!!!! Lol ily!!!!❤️😮‍💨

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