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*its a......BOY!!,you hug kai* "are you happy baby girl?" "Yeah,we are going to have a little mini you running around" *kai laughs and kisses you,Bonnie and Enzo walks up to you* "congratulations baby!" *she hugs you* "congratulations kai" *enzo And Kai shake hands* "hi beautiful" *rebekah says* "omg Rebekah I missed you!" "I missed you to,I wish you and my brother worked things out so then me and you could hang out more..." "things happen for a reason..." *you look at Kai and he seems upset Rebekah said that* "I umm need to go to the bathroom...Kai can you come with me" "sure..." *you and Kai walk to one of the bedrooms in the Salvatore house* "Kai what's wrong you look upset?" "I'm not so just go to the bathroom or what ever..." *you put both of your hand on Kai's face* "baby you can tell me" "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME Y/N!" *you walks away with tears in your eyes* "y/n I didn't mean to-" "you didn't mean to?you always get jealous and get mad at me! I'm scared of you kai!!,I have always been scared of you because what you did to your family what happens if you do it to our family" *you walk away you feel really bad for saying that..*
*you walk back to your mom and Rebekah* "sorry I just needed to go to the bathroom" "it's fine baby I have to go with your dad because he's probably going to get drunk you can hang out with Rebekah" "okay bye mom" *you and Rebekah talk for like 10 min and Kai walks out and goes and sits next to some girl from are school,you roll your eyes and try to ignore it* "y/n what's wrong you seem mad?" "I'm not let's go sit next to Klaus Elijah and Kol" *you smile* "okay" *you walk over to them and sit next to klaus* "well hello luv shouldn't you me next to kai?" *klaus says smirking* "ehh no...he can handle himself" *you look over and see Kai looking at you mad and he grabs the girls face and kisses her* (btw your parents left because Enzo got to drunk,so they didnt see Kai do that) *you get up and run in the house,kai follows* "really Kai?" "Hey it's not like you weren't going to do anything with klaus" "Kai! I can't I'm pregnant and I would never cheat no matter how much I hate you right now I would never do such a thing!" *he looks at you* "y/n I'm sorry for being a dick I get so mad it just it's so hard because sometimes I don't think I'm good enough for you" *he walks up to you and you walk back* "you are really scared of me?" *he scoffs* "Kai I-I think we should take a break" "what?" "Kai it's for the best..." *you walk away*

A/n-you and Kai WILL get back together trust me I just wanted some tea in it!😩

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