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*kai drives to the house,he walks inside and looks for you everywhere but he didn't check his room he goes in his room and sees you on his bed* "y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said" *he pulls you up from the bed* "then what did you mean "that you love me" Kai I know you don't....just don't act like it..." " y/n! I'm not lying I really do love you! I all ways will love you!" "Really?" *you turn to kai* "yes!" *you hug him* "do you forgive me y/n?" "Yeah I forgive you kai" *all of a sudden there is a bang coming from the door,you hear a people chanting coming closer to you and Kai* "Kai who is that?" *kai falls to the ground in pain*"Y/n run!" "Kai I'm not leaving you" *you grab onto Kai and all of a sudden you see a flash,you wake up on the ground next to kai*

"where are we?" "We are in the prison world,remember the place I told you I was locked up in for 18 years until Bonnie and Damon got stuck and I got out to!?" "Omg! No! We c-can't be in h-here *you start crying* "I'm sorry y/n I should have pushed you out of the circle!" *kai hugs you* " it's okay kai! We will get out of this together" *you guys start walking to the Salvatore house and walk in and go and find a room*

"I call this room" *you say with a smirk on your face* " umm no you don't!" *kai hops on the bed,you jump on the bed and you push him off* "yes I do!" *kai jumps back on the bed and push's you,you grab his shirt and Kai falls on top of you* "ahh" *kai laughs* "that's a sign to give me this room" *kai say holding your hands above your head* "nope not a chance!" *you look in Kai's eyes,and grab his face and kisses him but this time it turns out into a make out session,he picks you up and puts you on the bed with your legs around his  torso,he starts taking off you shirts so your only in your bra,he's unbuckling the back of your bra* "Kai I can't..." *you move his hands* "I'm sorry kai i don't want to I love you so much I'm just not ready I-" *he interrupts you* "y/n it's okay sex it's not the only thing I think about we don't have to if you don't want to.." "thank you kai.." *he looks at you up and down admiring your beautiful body* "Kai can we cuddle?" "Yeah of course baby girl".... *you and Kai go to sleep cuddling like this....

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