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"I lost my virginity to...y/n!"
*you guys kiss and go upstairs*
"GROSS!" *everyone says*

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*you and Kai walk upstairs and start taking off your clothes kai push's you in the bed and starts kissing down your body* "mmmm Kai" *you pull on his hair,he looks at you for permission and ofc you say yes,kai is very sensitive when it comes to you he doesn't like doing things without your permission,he starts eating you out* "k-Kai I think I'm go-gonna cum" "do it baby girl" *you and cum and kai grabs a condom* (idk how to spell that but I'm not gonna look it up on google! 💀)
"What are you doing?" "Do you wanna have another kid?" *you shake your head no and he puts it on and starts to tease 😈 you "Kai p-please!" "Beg for me baby girl" "please d-daddy" "that's my girl" *he yk and you and Kai start to moan*

20 minutes later
"Kai I think I'm gonna cum again!" "Same babe" *you and Kai cum,he flips on top of you and you climb into his chest* "I love you baby girl" "I love you more" "I don't think that's possible" *he smirks and the baby starts crying* "I will get her" *he puts his pants back on and goes and grabs him*

Btw the people down stairs just left!💀

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