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*you are 8 months pregnant and you and Kai are not dating but you guys live in the same house you sleep in your guys original room and Kai sleeps in the guest you and him talk once in awhile,you miss him so much but you can't stand what he did*

*you where sleeping In your room but around 6:00 you felt a sharp pain in your stomach* "ow ow ahh" *kai comes running in* "y/n are you okay?" "There is like a s-sharp pain in m-my stomach...ahh" *kai walks up to you* "where show me!" *you put his hand on your stomach and the pain stops* "I-it stop" "okay.." *he takes his hand off* "ow ow" *when Kai took off his hand you got another sharp pain* "Kai put your hand back on my stomach" *kai does that and it stops* "it looks like he's going to be a daddy's boy" *he laughs* "yeah I think so....Kai can y-you stay in here?" "Of course" *he vamp speed behind you and rapes his arm around you and puts his hand in your stomach and you fall asleep thinking about how you wish this could happen every night*

*you wake up and Kai's still has his hand on your stomach,you put your hand over his hand* "good morning mama bear" *kai says taking his hand off your stomach* "no..no"*you put his hand back on you stomach* "I'm not taking any chances the pain is not worth it" *he smiles and looks at you* "yes?" *you look at him* "y/n I miss this...." *you put your hand on Kai's cheek* "I miss this to,but I can't forgive you just yet..." "I just helped you With a night worth of no pain,can I at lest take you out to dinner?" "Fine,what time?" "Mmm let's say 7:30" "it's a date!" *you wink and walk to the bathroom*


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