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*you wake up and see Kai's face over yours* "hey!" *he smirks* "hi!" *he kisses you and you kiss back,you sit up* "so umm I got you a little something!" *kai says with his hand behind his back* "what is it?!" *he pulls out a box of chocolates and flowers* "aww kai!!" "Y/n Bennett will you be my girlfriend?!" "Yes yes yes!!" *you hug and kiss him!* "I love you y/n!" "I love you to kai!"

"Baby?" *you turn to kai* "yes?" "How was it?" *kai says with a smirk* "how was wha- ohhh...umm well it was my first time I don't really have anyone to compare it to,but it was amazing kai" *you kiss him* "good! Are you sure I didn't hurt you or anything?" "No! Kai I'm fine!" *you get up,but right when you get up you fall* "oh my god y/n are you okay?" "Yeah umm....*he picks you up* just a little sore" *you laugh* "oh what where you going to do?" "I was gonna take a shower" "I can help you!?" "Yeah that would be great baby!" *he picks you up and turns on the hot water and helps you take off your clothes but you feel like a baby but he keeps saying "no let me do it"*

*you guys are in the shower you guys are hugging your head is on his chest and he's just holding you,he grabs some shampoo and puts some in your hair and he starts scrubbing it* "Kai I can do it you lift up your hands" "no let me!" *you put your arms back around him and you guys take a shower!*

"That was amazing baby thank you" *you say while getting changed* "anything for you baby!" *you guys get changed* "Kai should we tell my parents?" "If you want baby girl!" *he puts a peace of hair behind your ear* "okay I think I'm going to wait on tell them!" "Okay baby whatever you want!" "Okay,thank you baby!" *you kiss him* "let's go down stairs" *he says opening the door for you* "thank you!" *you guys walk down stairs like nothing happened!* "hey mom and dad!" "Uhh I thought told you to make Kai leave!!" "Dad really?!,no I'm not gonna tell my boyfr- Kai to leave!" "Whatever!" *enzo walks away* "hey mom are you okay with Kai staying over?" "Yeah I don't care your dad is way to over dramatic!" "Yeah he is!" *you laugh* "so what did you and Kai do last night?!" *she winks at you* "really! No stop mom!" "We just watched a movie mrs.Bennett!" "Mhm" *she turns around to grab he coffee off the table,you and Kai look at each other with a uh oh face like you guys think she knows,you cough* "so uh why do you ask? Mom!" "I was just wondering what you guys where doing no reason why?" "Oh nothing I was just wondering!" "Oh K honey" *she walks to enzo* "omg Kai that was close!" "I know I thought she new!" "Me too!"


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