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A/n-I feel like I make so many story's,but I'm gonna make a vinnie hacker wattpad!
I also made a tiktok for vinnie-@vinnie.hackxr so if you want i will be posting on there and I will be writing little imagines about him! (No one can replace Chris!!❤️)*you walk downstairs and see jj eating*
"Yup jj is still the same" "huh? What do you mean jj is still the same?" "I mean like you always eat my food" *he rolls his eyes and flips you off* "oh and btw your girlfriend is coming over.." "girlfriend?" "Uhh Caroline!" "Oh,..I don't like her?" "Mhm..sure" *you wink at him and walk to the kitchen*

(20 min after)
*you hear a knock and you just leave it thinking that jj will get the door but he didn't so you went and opened the door* "thanks for the help jj" *you roll your eyes and jj follows* "hey!" *bonnie care and Katherine say* "wow..." *jj says" "what?...jj?" "Oh sorry who's this?" *pointing to Katherine* "I'm Katherine" *she smiles* "can I get yo-"
"Not interested blondie" *kat says* "uhh whatever.." *jj walks away and goes and sits down in the living room and you guys go to* "so I was thinking we can play truth or shot?" *Caroline says* "what's that?" *you say* "it's where one of the players ask you a question and you either drink or tell the truth" "oooo that's sounds fun!..let's do it!" *you say and go get Kai *

Audri-❤️❤️ I will post the next part in like a hour or two!!❤️❤️

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