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"How about Xavier ?" "I love it Xavier Lorenzo Parker?!" "That's perfect ba- y/n...." " Okay well we need to make sure everything is okay with Xavier and we will bring him to you guys" *elena says* "okay" *elena walks out of the room and you look at kai* "what?" "Sit!" *you pat the hospital bed,kai sits down and he holds your hand,your mom and dad burst into the room* "where is the baby!" *they both say* "wow mom and dad there just making sure everything is okay with Xavier" "you named him Xavier?" *your dad says* "yeah we also named him after you his name is Xavier Lorenzo Parker" *you smile and you see a tear come from your dads face* "dad what's wrong?" "Nothing I'm just happy luv" *elena and jo walk in* "here is Xavier he's all good and how are you feeling y/n?" "I'm good" "okay,well you are feeling alright you guys can go home!" "Okay" *elena and jo leave and your holding Xavier* "so are you and Kai?" *your mom says and you grab Kai's hand* "we are working on it" *you smile*

*AT HOME-only you kai and Xavier*
*we walk inside and Xavier is sleeping * "Kai I'm going to lay him down Xavier" "okay" *after laying down Xavier in his crib in his bedroom you go back to kai*

*kai was where gray sweat pants and no shirt he know that turns you on..*
"K-Kai what are you w-wearing?" "Clothes?" "Maybe you should put on a shirt..?" *he walks closer to you* "why am I making you wet?" "N-no?" "So if I do this?" "Do w-what?" *he picks you up and push's you to the wall...*


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