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*its been about 2 months since kai had left you,it's been really boring without him,you almost had your first time with him but that girl walked in you couldn't tell who it was all you know is that she had brown hair that's it...*

*this one morning something felt really weird you wake up and you see your mom and dads heads over you*
"Mom dad?!" "My baby" *bonnie/your mom says picking you up and hugging you* "wait how did I get here!?" *you said looking at Enzo/your dad* "we did that spell that we did with your mom,but you just slept through the whole thing!" *you laugh* "that would be me!"

*you guys laugh and catch up on the last 2 months* "so y/n any boys it's like I haven't talked to you in a while your so grown up your own house with other people!" *bonnie/your mom says with a smirk on her face*
"Bonnie Bennett!" *Enzo/your dad said with a very angry look in his face* "well there is this on boy....but I-" "Y/N BENNETT NO BOYS!" *bonnie grabbed Enzos hand and walked him out* "babe girl talk go play video games or something" "well get ready while you guys Have "girl talk" so we can go to the Salvatores and tell everyone that y/n is back" "yeah yeah" *bonnie shuts the door on Enzo* "so y/n who is this boy?" "Well his name is Kai,you know him I was stuck in the prison world with him for a day until this girl came and grabbed him it was to late by the time he tried to grab my hand there was this flash and they where gone.." "I'm so so so sorry you had to go through that alone I was in there with Damon and Kai for awhile it sucked but I never thought of being alone..." "it's okay mom,....I almost lost my virginity to him though....I was just really scared he was judging me..but he said that I was perfect..." *bonnie looked at you handing you a outfit from your closet* "baby you are so beautiful and losing your virginity is scary trust me Ik it was Jeremy blah blah.."

*you guys laugh and get ready your still trying to figure out who that girl was your really hoping she's at the Salvatores so you can see why the hell she left without you!*

*you guys leave and go to the Salvatores,you guys finally arrive and knock on the door,Damon opens the door* "ohh hey Bonnie & Enzo,y/n! *he walks up and hugs you* "I'm sorry y/n for being so rude to you when you where gone it was so boring Stefan and Katherine are dating so gross right caroline and klaus are dating to and Kai got a girlfriend...she's so rude and she's not even that pretty...." "oh I-" *katherine runs outside* "y/n!!!,I missed you" *she hugs you* "hey Kat..." *you look down* "what's wrong?!" "Oh I- um nothing" "Yeah come on in" *damon says* "thank you.." *you guys walk in but no Kai or his so called "girlfriend" you got really sad because you might have feelings for Kai..*

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