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*the next morning you wake up and turn to Kai* "good morning" *he smirks*
"good morning baby" *you kiss him* "what was that for?" *he say putting his hand on your Thigh put it on his leg*
"I can't kiss my boyfriend?" "Oh you can do it again I'm not complaining with your beautiful lips" *he kisses you again*

*you feel a little sick but you don't say anything to kai* "I will be right back I'm going to go to the bathroom" "okay" *he turns around and grabs his phone for the ground*

*you walk to the bathroom,you feel really sick like your going to throw up you sit there for a while and wait to see if anything,after about 3 minutes you run to the toilet and throw up*

*all I hear is well.....pretty much nothing like no movement once or ever,it took about 3 or 4 minutes for y/n to actually move what is she doing in there,i walks over the and I hear coughing,I run to the bathroom and knock on the door* "y/n are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine I'm just umm..." "y/n open the door"

*I walk to the door and open it* "yes?" "Are you okay I heard you coughing?" "Yeah I'm fi-" *you run to the toilet and throw up Kai goes and holds up your hair* "baby are you okay?" "Yeah I think so,do you mind going to get a pregnancy test for me?" *you look at up with a smile* "yeah of course I will" *he kisses you on the head and goes to the store*

*I finally get to the store I walk in and go and look for the tests,I find one and get y/n chocolate and a (drink that you like) and go pay* "is your girlfriend or wife pregnant?" *the lady said scanning Kai's things* "isn't what a pregnancy test is for to figure it out?" *kai says kinda in a rush* "well bye!" *she smirks* "bye?"

*kai finally arrives with the test and walks in* "here baby take that and I got you something on the bed when your ready to come out" "thank you baby" *kai walks out and you take the test...*

What do you guys think!? 💕💕


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