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A/n-yess Ik y'all hate your own child!💀 and I do too!!🥲
Word count-

"Xavier!" Kai yells "what?!" "Get your ass over here!" "Yeah get your ass over here!" The twins yelled "wow! That's bad language!" You say looking at them "sorry..." you look at them and kiss them "what!" "Your being a real jerk Xavier and I'm sick of it your sisters at 5 years old!" "Well then why did you have kids if you don't want the to know what real life is! You can't keep them away from that there whole life!" (A/n-he has a point kai💃🏽)

"get the hell out before I slap the shit out of you" Kai stands up "Kai calm down!" "No y/n Xavier had been bad as shit lately an-" "Kai! You sighed up for this when you wanted to have kids you can't just treat them like shit! He's 16 yeah he's gonna make mistakes and yes he's gonna say stuff he shouldn't!"
"I-I'm sorry y/n I don't know what has gotten into me..." (a/n-it's always fucking Xavier getting them to fight....adoption!🥲 jkjk!)

It's been a couple of hours and you just wanted all of you guys to get along for once you you went to play a movie on the tv and started to make popcorn,you walked up stairs while it cooked and talked to Xavier
"Hey babe I was wondering if you would like to invite you girlfriend over for a movie night..it would be good to meet her!" "Uhh really?" "Yes ofc!" He tan and hugged you "I love you mom!" He ran to his bed to text his girlfriend (A/n- idk if I have her a name yet but....I will give her a name soon lmaoo🥴)

It's been about 20 minutes and the door rang "I will get it!" Xavier said running down stairs I walked with him and saw this beautiful young lady she had brown hair and green eyes.

She looks like this:
Her name is Devy

A/n-there will be a part where you talk and get to know her better!❤️

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A/n-there will be a part where you talk and get to know her better!❤️

A/n-there will be a part where you talk and get to know her better!❤️

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