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"Kai i-" *he grabs your face* "i love you y/n Bennett!" "I love you to Malachai Parker" *he takes his hands off your face* "nope! Don't think you can get a free pass on calling me malachai!" *he vamp speeds you to the bed so he's on top of you,he puts both of your hand above your head,he starts kissing your neck,you moan* "shhh baby girl your parents are here" *he raises a eyebrow,you push his arms off of you and you push him so your on top,you take off his shirt,you kiss down his abs and he starts moaning* "shhh my parents are here.." *you get up and walk out of the room smirking*

"Did she really just tease me?,she did!" *I get up and put my shirt on I walk downstairs but y/n is gone!* "hey Damon where is y/n?" "She left!" "Uhhh..." *I run upstairs and I think what should I do or how to get into y/n house because there is no way in hell I can just knock on the door with Enzo there.....uhhh I will just go through the window later tonight!*

*you walk to your bedroom and find pjs after hangout with your family for a while,you go and lay on the bed,but there is a knock on the window* "what the hell kai!,what are you doing here?" *you say as you open the window* "you teased me you own me a movie date!" "What at *you look at the clock* it's now 8:30 Kai no!" "Um yess" *he moves you out of the way and jumps on the bed* "Kai get out!" "No!,can you get popcorn?" "Omg your so lucky I'm not rude!,I will be right back!" *you walk down stairs and look in the pantry for popcorn,* "hey sweetie what are you doing up?" *bonnie says taking out the orange juice out of the fridge* "umm I'm j-just Umm a little Hungry!" *you through the popcorn on in. The microwave* "oh okay!, good night!" *she says walking back upstairs* "goodnight!"

*BEEP BEEP,you grab the popcorn and run upstairs* "finally what took you so long!" "Oh shut it!" *you throw him the popcorn,he opens his arms and you clime in them* "so what movie/show" *he says throwing a peace of popcorn in his mouth* "uhh how about AHS!!" "Okay!" *he puts it on and you guys have so much fun and you guys just cuddle and hold hands..*


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