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*the next day*
"Y/n? Y/n are you awake?" *he moves you around*
"Mhm Kai?" "Umm so when we where sleeping you pushed my leg off of you and...I was wondering if you still loved me! *😫* "really Kai?!" *you turn to him and get on top of him so your on his waist* "of course I still love you your my BESTFRIEND!" "Good!" *he push's you down so he's on top of you,you and Kai are looking in each other's eyes and one of his hands is holding your hand above your head and one is on your waist,you grab his face and kiss him* "omg I'm sorry kai I shouldn't h-" "y/n it's fine *he whisper-"i'm in love with you y/n how can you not see that" "I love you kai" "what do you want me to do? Say I love you? I don't love anyone I don't even love myself *he says that because he Doesn't want to act soft* "but you said you where in love with me?.." "K? I say a lot of thing's" *you push Kai off of you* "your being a real dick you know!?" *your about to walk out the door*
"Y/n wait I didn't mean that!" *you walk out of the bedroom and go downstairs* "hey y/n" *caroline picks you up and hugs you so tight* "h-hey care,I-I love that your b-being nice and all b-but I-I can't breathe!" "Omg I'm so so so sorry" *she puts you down* "thanks...." "y/n what's wrong you look like something is bothering you?" "Oh Um nothing I just need a blood bag" *you walk down to the basement* "oh okay NICE having a little chat.... *she walks to the others,after a few minutes you walk back to everyone,but you see Kai with them* "hey guys I'm um think I'm going to head home.." *😕* "hey why are you leaving so early?" *katherine says walking to you* " I just umm need to get ready!" "Umm okay?" "I will see you at the house bye care! Bye klaus!"
*katherine knows something is going on because you didn't say bye to kai?*
"Hey umm kai can I talk to you for a second?" "Yeah sure?" *he gets up and walks to the kitchen with Katherine* "WHAT DID YOU DO TO Y/N!" "I didn't do anything!" "KAI IF YOU DO NOT TELL ME WHAT YOU DID I WILL RIP YOUR HEART OUT!" "Fine! We kissed and then she told me she loved me and I didn't want to be soft so I was being a really big jerk!" *katherine vamp speeds Kai to the wall* "you did what!" "Katherine I know I messed up!" *she lets go of kai* "yeah you did now go and talk to her!" "Okay!"


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