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*you walk in seeing Kai and that same girl form the prison world* "Y/N IS BACK" *damon says yelling and bouncing up and down* "WHAT!" *kai gets up really fast* "y/n how did you get back?" "My parents?,it's not like you care it looks like you moved on really quick" *you point to the girl* "no,I never moved on y/n I-" "mom" *you turn to Bonnie* "can we go I don't feel like being here.."
*the girl walks up to you* "hey I'm Peyton ,Peyton mikealson,nice to meet you" *She taps your shoulder,so you turn and you see a girl with beautiful brown eyes and brown hair..(the picture ☝︎︎)* "uhhh hi Ik y/n,did you say mikealson?" "Yes I did,my mom and dad are kol and davina you might know them..." *she says looking at Kai with a smirk and then looking back at you,you look down* "well I was just leaving so have fun bye" "wait y/n Kai says grabbing your hand" *do you wanna watch a movie with me and Peyton?" *he said with a desperate look on his face* "uh I don't know you should spend time with your g-" "no it's okay y/n stay let's watch a movie" *Peyton says smiling at you* "umm okay?..sure"

*you walk upstairs trying not to be awkward but it just a really hard because there holding hands but you can tell Kai doesn't want to make you feel bad so he stops,you guys make it in the room where your watching the movie in is* "y/n you can sit on the bed" *kai says patting the bed* "uhh okay.." *you sit next to kai while Peyton is on the other side of him touching his abs and trying to make you jealous* "Peyton stop" *kai saying moving her hand because he still loves you* "Kai you have been a real dick since y/n came back what is your problem?!" *she says getting off the bed* "Peyton I think we should break up.." "what over her! She's not even pretty!" *she says that with hesitation because your like super pretty* "get out!" *kai says vamp speeding her out,he walks back in*

"Kai I'm sorry I never meant for things to go like that I should leave I should have never came back her!" *you try and walk out but Kai grabs your are and kisses you* "I love you y/n Bennett"


(Sorry it's super short it's 1:15 in the morning I'm so tired lmao good night!! Xoxo)😘

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