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*it's been a month and today is the gender reveal!* "Kai! Are you almost ready to go I have to be there by 3!" *you yell at Kai while your doing your make up,he walks up to you and grabs your waist* "baby it's 12:33 we have about 3 hours" *you turn to face him* "I know but we need to get there so I can help my mom set up at the Salvatore house" "okay let me take a shower" "okay" *you kiss him*

*2 hours later*
*you and Kai start to head over to the Salvatores,once you get there you see that Elena,Damon,bonnie,Enzo,Katherine,
Stefan,Caroline,Matt,klaus,Hope,Hayley and two twins* "hey guys and who are these girls?" "Hi I'm Lizzie and this is-" "hi I'm Josie" *they smile at Kai,you look at Kai* "y/n these are my nieces.." "Kai you never told me you where a uncle?!" "I didn't think I would see them...." *kai hugs them* "so uncle Kai this is your wife?" *josie says with a smirk* "No she's my girlfriend" *lizzie slaps Kai* "so you got her pregnant without marrying her first" "oww Lizzie!" "Oops" *lizzie walks away* "sorry about Lizzie she's a little crazy" "it's okay sweetie" *you put a peace of her hair behind her ear,she smiles and walks away,you turn to kai* "there-" "devil's yeah I know" *kai says* "I was going to say really nice but yeah sure" *you laugh and go and hang out with your family till it's time for the reveal*

*it's been about a hour and a half and Kai and you are about to pope the balloons* "okay 1...2...3!" *bonnie says,you guys pop the balloons and it's a......*
(Comment the gender you want!!)
Thank you guys for all the support I love you!!💕❤️

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