✨Having a nightmare (Toph)✨

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Modern AU

Toph's POV:

"I hate my job!" I said to myself and yawned. I have been on working for 27 hours. I feel exhausted not only physically but mentally too. I haven't seen (A/N we don't talk about it) my lover for soo long. Y/N is probably waiting for me to come home. I took out my phone and started calling her.

"Maybe she is sleeping," I said and stopped trying to reach her, as she wasn't answering her phone. I hope she is already sleeping. She hasn't been feeling very good later. I am worried that she is seriously sick. She had been throwing up for over a week and she also began to get tired faster. I stood up and started my way home. 

After 30 minutes

I paid for the taxi and went to the front door. I missed my love so much. I missed her scent, her soft face, her body, her warm skin, her voice. 

I quickly opened the door and began taking off my coat and scarf. I quietly approached our bedroom not wanting to wake Y/N up. I heard a giggle coming from the room. I can't believe she is still waiting for me. Usually, she falls asleep near 12 am and now it's over 3 am. I guess she missed me too.

I smiled softly and wanted to open the door but something made me stop. I felt the presence of another person in our room. I quickly opened the door and realized that Y/N and that other person were really close to each other. I thought maybe she was in danger and this man was trying to rape her, but it seemed that she was hugging that person. She laughed softly and kissed that person's lips. Y/N felt my presence and turned her face towards me. She took the other person's hand and whispered something in his ear. The person chuckled shortly and made his way towards the door. He walked past me not saying a word. 

"Y/N what the hell was that? Did he threaten you? He didn't do something bad with you, did he?"

I quickly made my way to her and put my hands on her shoulders. She took a step back and brushed my hands off her. Y/N turned around and made her way to the exit of the room. I didn't know what to do. 

"Y/N what's wrong tell me, please," I yelled out as tears started to stream down my face.

"Toph, I don't love you anymore. As you may already guess I found another person who fits me better. I love him with all my heart. Everything between us was just... some kind of preparation I guess. I am sorry but I don't love you anymore... maybe I have never loved you. So, I am gonna make a family with my new lover. Oh and yes I am pregnant, already for a month. I wanted to tell you earlier but I feel pity for you. A blind, useless... never mind. I hope we will never see (A/N we still don't talk about it) each other again..." 

I sat up quickly and was instantly met with a pair of strong and yet warm arms wrapping around my neck. 

"Toph is everything okay? You are all sweaty. It was a nightmare again, wasn't it?" Y/N asked me while slowly peppering my face with soft kisses. I gently wrapped my arm around her waist and buried my face in her neck. Some tears rolled down my cheeks and then Y/N's shoulder. 

"Toph, you know I love you more than anything, I will never leave you because of someone. You are my everything and I will always love you." Y/N said stroking my hair gently. She kissed my head and hugged me tighter. I felt love radiating from her. I don't want to lose her to someone else. 

"I know you love me. I love you too, darling. Now let's go to sleep, we have work tomorrow. I am sorry if I woke you up."

"Toph, you did nothing to be sorry for. As I already said, I love you, and I want to share every moment and problem with you. I will love you forever." 

A/N when I write about Toph I understand how much I use words like: See, gaze, stare, glimpse, and other stuff that just not for that sexy earthbender. 

Luv u all so much 💗💗💗

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