A guy with the boomerang (Sokka x reader)

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Sokka's POV.

I was waiting for Katara in our village. She went somewhere with this little boy Aang. I was sitting on the snow and spin my boomerang in my hands. I saw Y/N slowly walking towards me. She had her emotionless expression on her face, as always. I don't know why, but I felt so annoyed. I mean Y/N always looks like she doesn't give a shit. I stood up and went to her. I pushed her on the ground.
"What's your problem dude?"
She said, trying to stand up.
"Why are you always so annoying??!!"
"What do you mean Sokka?"
"Can you show... I don't know...emotions??? It is very annoying when you walk past us with your stone face. There is a war and you don't do anything, you could at least comfort kids here, they are scared and you do nothing with it!!!"
She stood up.
"What does that even mean?"
"No, I can't. Sorry I just don't know how."
She looked me in the eyes and walked away.

I was processing the words she had said to me. But soon I saw a large column of smoke in the sky. I knew that this Aang is not that good. I ran out of the village. Other people have already gathered there. Aang and Katara walked towards us.
"I knew it. You are leading the fire nation ship straight to us, aren't you."
I said pointing at the kid.
"Aang didn't do anything. It was an accident."
Katara was protecting the young Airbender.
"Yeah we were on the ship and there were this trap and well..."
"Katara you should not have gone on that ship. Now we can all be in danger."
Gran said with anger.
"Don't blame Katara. It is my fault."
Aang said.
"Haha! The traitor confesses. He must get out of our village."
I knew that it wasn't a great idea to carry him in our home.
"Sokka, you are making a mistake."
I didn't know why Katara believed him.
"No, I am keeping my promise to dad, I am protecting you from him."
"Aang is not our enemy. Don't you see, Aang has brought us something, we haven't had in a long time. Fun."
It was the last straw.
"Fun?! Fun?! We can't fight firebenders with fun. Get out of our village now!"
I glared at the boy.

After it, a young Airbender went. I was preparing to fight. Everyone was worrying. A lot of people were crying and hiding. Only Y/N was sitting on the snow and staring at the horizon. I was always wondering how didn't she die from cold weather or something like it. She was wearing only f/c slinky pants, a f/c jacket, a water tribe cape, and boots. I rolled my eyes and went to our big wall of snow. I was waiting for the fire nation ship.

Y/N's POV.

I was standing with other people. Sokka fell from the wall and rolled down to us. I was wondering how stupid he is. How he the non-bender could fight fire benders. I mean they can kill him. I was worried about him. I don't know why, but I was. Aang is still not in sight. Several people got out of the ship. I immediately tensed because of the fact that the one who went ahead immediately looked at me. He easily repelled all Sokka's attacks even not taking from me his sight. It was creepy. Then I saw Aang on a penguin knocks down several soldiers including the first. Then you know everything. Aang is taken to the ship and they promise not to touch anyone from the village.

All except the guy with the scar left on the ship. He looked at me again and then turned around. In the next second, everything happened so fast that it was impossible to imagine. Next to me were small children and old people. He sent a large blast of fire in the kids. I reacted immediately by redirecting his fire with mine. All stood in silence. Katara stood in tears. Sokka had an angry expression on his face. The "scar boy" smiled and went to me. We stood so close that I could feel his warmth.
"Who are you?"
He asked.
"It is not your business."
"As a prince of the fire nation, I must know who is my enemy."
"First of all, you're a Prince in exile. Secondly, you promised not to touch anyone from the village."
He grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear.
"You are not from this village so I can touch you. And I can send you to my father as a traitor of our people."
He tightened his grip and started to lead me after him.
"Don't touch her!"
I heard a familiar voice, it was Sokka.
"What will you do? Pinch me or hit me with your boomerang?"
The Prince laughed.
"I can do whatever I want with her. She belongs to our nation."
He continued.
"She was raised on our territory. So that means she is a part of us. If you want to send her to your father, fight me."
"No Sokka stop he will kill you!"
Katara yelled at her brother.
I can't take it anymore, she was right and he was still acting recklessly.
"Sokka, Katara is right. I don't want you to be killed because of me. So just take care of Kat and others."
"But Y/N you have spent most of your life with us. They will kill you. I don't want you to be killed."
He started to cry.
"I am sorry, Sokka."

Author's POV:
You went with the "scar boy". You could fight him but you didn't want him to hurt kids. He tied up you in his room.
"Who are you?"
"As I have already said IT IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS."
He was preparing to slap you but stopped and lift your chin.
"Know what... yes it not my business. I will send you and my father will kill you as a traitor."
He smiled and looked into my eyes. Then the door in his room opened and a fat old man came in but soon as he saw what was going on he said.
"Oh, I see you Prince Zuko are busy now I will see you later. And you will introduce me to your friend."
"Uncle, shut up she is just my prisoner."
"Yeah Yeah... I see."
He came out with a chuckle.
"Zuko... what an awful name."
"Oh yeah, what is your name? I can bet it is stupid too."
"Y/N. And it is not a stupid name."
You said with the stone face.
He walked away and sat on his bed. You two looked into each other's eyes and wanted to kill each other. It was... love from the first sight... just hate from the first sight.

Soon he ran away because someone said that avatar has escaped. You can't move. Soon you felt someone opened the door. It was Sokka. You were so happy but still can't show your happiness.
He smiled and ran to you.
"I am so happy you are alright."
I said.
"No, I should be the one who is so happy that you are ok. I was wondering what will this crazy do with you. You know what I mean."
He said with his red cheeks.
"Why is everybody thinking about... that"
Sokka cut the robes and hugged you.
"Y/N sorry that I yelled at you this morning."
"That is nothing Sokka."
"I just care about you and others. I know that it was stupid to yell at you because of my own behavior."

Then you two went outside and jumped on Appa. Katara and Aang were already on that beast. You all flew away. Katara saw you and started to yell.
"How could you? You were lying to us all this time. We were in the same village for all our lives and you... I hate you. This scar guy was right you belong to the fire nation. Why didn't you tell us? You are just a coward."
Then she stopped.
"Stop Katara!"
"Why are you protecting her?"
"I was asking this question then you were trying to protect and leave with Aang. But soon we understood that he isn't a bad guy. You don't know about Y/N. She protected the kids from the Prince. But of course, you didn't see it because you had gone away and started crying because of your bald little love."
Sokka was protecting me and I felt that he isn't very bad. I mean... I started to like him.
Katara just turned away.
"She will use to you. Don't worry. And also we need a firebender to teach Aang."
Sokka places his hand on your shoulder and continued.
"I am kind use to you too. Do you want to tell us about your life?"
"I don't have a lot of things to tell you. I am Y/N. I am 16 years old. I can only say that I am firebender. My mom was a waterbender and my dad was firebender. They decided that there is more safety. My mom and dad are dead now. And also I can't show my emotions. I don't know why. No one was teaching me that thing so..."
He smiled and hugged you.
"What are you doing?"
"I think I started to understand what you feel even not looking at your face. Don't worry I can promise you that you will smile too soon."
He was laughing and you too just inside.

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