🗣When someone is bullying you🗣

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You were not from royal family and still Zuko choose you as his girlfriend. He didn't care about your status or family authority, he just loves you more than anything. When he introduced you to the public a lot of people were shocked because of his choise. People thought The Fire Lord and the ambassador would choose someone more popular or influential, but he choose you. Zuko didn't give a hell about people oppinion and he thought you too. But when he noticed that you became more quiet and distant, he started to worry about you. He was afraid that you found someone better than him and decided to spy on you. He was vey shocked when he heard his own servants telling you horrible things, such as "You will never be his true love!" or "If you love him than just leave, so he could find someone better for his life and our nation".

After he heard that he immediately rushed to you, kicked servants away and started to comfort you, hugging you and wispering sweet nothings in your ear.

"Love, you know that i love you more than anything. I don't give a damn about what others say. I can even sacrifice my place and status only to be with you for my whole life."

⛰Toph ⛰

After the war you had to come back to school. Toph is on the other hand decided to become a earthbending teacher. You were a waterbender so she can't teach you. You weren't the best of your class (yet) and two or three of your classmates were bullying you because of that. That wasn't something very bad. They may pour water on you while you practicing, they may push you in the fountain, throw snowballs in you when you are going home and e.t.c. Even though that wasn't that harsh and cruel, it was upsetting you. One day you couldn't take it anymore and told everything Toph while crying in her shoulder. She was furious and wanted to make every kid that did something to you suffer but still couldn't leave you alone and do that, knowing you will get more sad.

"Wanna an advice? You can make them suffer."

"Toph, i still don't want to hurt them."

"I know, but you still can make them suffer. Not physically, unfortunately"


"I mean, you should become better than them. But i think that is imposible, because you are already better than anyone." She smirked and kissed your temple.

"So beat their ass and don't forget to tell me what expression will be on their stupid faces." 


You were Aang's sister, the avatar's sister, so everyone was expecting a lot from you. But some people in your school got disappointed in you when you announced that you have been dating Sokka. Everybody thought that you deserve so much better than a non-bender freak with a boomerang, and these people didn't even care that Sokka helped Aang to save the world. Other people, especially boys in your class was trying to make you their.
"He is not even a bender! How can he protect you? I am better than this Sokka, babe. You should choose me if you want to live a good life."
"No! She should choose me. I am a firebender! Everyone knows that we are hot and sexy."
"Yeah and the firebenders started a war! By the way, waterbenders are caring and beautiful. We can do amazing staff with our arms... if you know what I mean, love."
Usually these guys don't even care about you, they just wanted to be related with Aang, no matter what way. A lot of girls started to insult and bully you, because you grabbed attention of every guy in the school.
At first, you were trying to cope with it and don't do anything, but then these girls started to say bad things about Sokka, you couldn't take it anymore.
"Hi Sokka!"
"Oh hi, Y/N! Is everything okay? You seem sad."
"Actually, yes there is one problem. I want to change school, so I thought you would like to help me with choosing a new one."
"What happened? I thought you liked that school."
You knew that you have to tell him but those people's words kept repeating in your head and your eyes started to water. You stared at the floor and some tears dropped on the it. After Sokka noticed that he immediately pulled you to him and gently embraced you.
"Hey don't cry. You can tell me everything."
"My classmates keep saying bad words about you. I don't want to hear it! I love you and these words hurt me."
"Darling, calm down. I love you. You love me. They all just jealous that we are the best couple in the world. We were made for each other, so don't listen to these stupid bitches. If you like this school you don't have to leave it because of them. But if you still want, I am here to help you with everything, just ask."
He kissed your cheeks and smiled with his gorgeous smile.
"They were wrong, no one is better than you. No one can protect me better than you. I love you!"


Immediately after the war Katara confessed her feelings to you, and you two started dating. You were studying waterbending with people from Northern Water Tribe. Katara was always busy, helping Zuko with a foundation of the Republic City, so not too much people knew that you were together. At first, everything was okay for you and you liked to study waterbending but when your bending became better, some people started to be more friendly with you and more caring. Others, on the contrary, began gossip about you and insulting so you couldn't focus on practice. You didn't want to tell you girlfriend about it. You didn't want to seem weak in front of Katara. But she knew that something was wrong and you keep hiding something from her.
"Hey Y/N, please can you come here? We need to talk seriously."
"Is something bothers you?"
You asked innocently and smiled at her. There was a minute or two of silence, then Katara said six words that made you shocked and confused at the same time.
"Have you ever cheated on me?"
"I asked you, did you find someone new?"
"Not of course! Love, what are you talking about?"
"You just never tell me anything about your school, your day. You have been avoiding me for some time! You don't love me anymore? I will understand if it's true... just don't lie to me please."
You saw her eyes started to water and sat near her, placing your hand on her's gently.
"Katara, believe me I have never loved anyone except for you. I have never cheated on you and never will. I love you with all my heart."
She smiled and kissed you passionately.
"I love you too. Still why did you avoid me? Last Monday you didn't even came for our dinner, you have immediately went to sleep."
Your smile faded as you remembered these girls and boys saying bad words about you and locking you in the dark basement. You would die there if one girl didn't return to you, open the door and apologize for her friends. You didn't want to lie to Katara, so you told her everything. As you were telling her these things she was hugging you and crying herself. Katara couldn't even imagine someone treating her love that way. The day she met these kids, she threatened them that much, so they were begging you for a mercy whole next week.


Azula was so overprotective, that she rarely let you go out for a walk or everywhere outside your shared house alone. You didn't go to school, to the shop and e.t.c. So no one could bully you except the servants. But every servant knew that you were Azula's couple and they didn't want to have their head separated from their body, so no one has been bullying you for your entire life with Azula.


Sorry if you are waiting something cool here but I mean... who would bully an avatar's love. Only a suicidal person who's willing to end their life earlier than Osamu Dazai. (I think this person doesn't exist.)

Luv u all 💗💗💗


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