Heaven (Aang x reader)

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[E/C - eyes color]

Y/N's POV:

You and Aang were best friends since the moment you have met. Aang immediately realized that you are a lot like him. You are as optimistic as him and he liked that very much. You two became very close and sometimes Sokka and Toph make jokes about you two being a pair.

You have been catching yourself on very strange thoughts for some time. Maybe you
like him more than friend. But let's be honest you are just a nonbender girl and he is the avatar, the master of all four elements. And also it seems that he likes Katara and she likes him back. She is strong, beautiful, clever, funny and you are no one.

Now the team avatar were in the the western Air Temple. Zuko started to teaching Aang firebending and we two stopped to talk. I mean it is obvious that he has more important things to do. He should worry about saving the world, not me.

I was sitting in the ground leaning on Appa and chatting with Katara. We were talking about many different things from what to eat on the breakfast to saving the world.
"I don't know what to do. I like someone but I can bet that they aren't feeling the same. I want to confess but what if I will be rejected?" Her eyes started to water. She wiped tears away and looked at my eyes. I felt the tears streaming down my face. I knew that she liked Aang and now it is the confirmation of it.

"You know you can just confess. If that person will reject you, what I doubt, he don't deserve you."
I started crying more and more. I knew that I have to say that, I can't destroy her future.
"W..why are you crying?" Her eyes widened in shock and she placed her hands on my shoulders.
"I think it is just something in my eyes. Don't worry." I gave her the small smile and stood up.

I didn't know where to go. Everywhere will be someone who could see me in this state and I didn't want it to happen. I came in one of the temples and sat in the corner.

It was an hour or two of me crying there. I know that if I will go to camp someone especially Sokka will see
my horrible red from crying eyes. So I decided to stay here for a night. It was very cold but I could handle that, as I thought. I quickly fall asleep because of the dead silence around me. I felt something slightly touched my arm and then I felt a weight on my lap. Then I opened my eyes I saw Momo curled up there sniffling. I pet it and then fall asleep again. With Momo it was quite warmer and more pleasant.

Aang's POV:

I finished my training with Zuko near the midnight. Zuko decided to train a little bit more and I went to our camp. I need to rest. I saw everyone sitting around the fire and chatting. Wait... where is Y/N?
I haven't seen her for awhile. We started talking less she became distant and cold towards me.

I went to the fire and asked everyone where is Y/N. As I thought, no one knew or no one care. I went back to Zuko and asked him to help me in searching her.
"Hey Zuko can you please help me find Y/N? I don't know where is she. I am worrying."
"Of course Aang. Why would she go away? Is something wrong?"
"I don't know. I hope she is Ok."

We began to searching her. Zuko went to the forest and I went to check in the temples. I am worrying about her very much. She is my best friend. To be honest, I had a huge crush on her for a long time. She is very funny, beautiful, caring and very smart. I think I like her... no I love her.

I have already looked through every temple except for the oldest one. I hope Y/N was there. I came in a large dark temple. It was very cold here. I used my firebending to look around. Even if the fire wasn't strong it was enough to see her curled up in the corner with Momo on her lap. I came to her and kneeled beside. I don't know why but I smiled. The sight was very cute. She was like a mother with a little kid in her hands. I slightly shook her shoulder to wake her up. When she opened her eyes I saw that they were very red and puffy. She was crying.

"Hey Y/N." I smiled at her.
"You were crying, weren't you?"
She stayed silent and looked down. I grabbed her chin slightly and raised it so she was looking me in the eyes.
"Y/N please tell me. You think I didn't notice that you changed. You become cold and distant. Tell me if something bothers you. I worry about you. We are best friends, trust me." I don't know why but after my words she became crying again. I immediately hugged her tightly and began comforting her.

After 5 minutes or more she calmed down and looked up.
"I just... it doesn't matter anymore. I am ok."
"Y/N please let me help you. When I see you like that my heart hurts. You can tell me everything. I won't judge you no matter what you will tell me." I placed my hands on hers.
"You promise?"
"Of course"
"I think you notice that we began talking less. I am afraid that after you save the world you won't have enough time for me. I don't won't to lose our friendship..."
She finally calmed down. I knew that it wasn't true. I will always have enough time for her. I want spend my whole live with her. I wanted to tell her that but she interrupted me.
"... but still I don't want to be friends with you. I like you Aang and I know that it isn't mutually. I am so sorry for ruining our friendship."

I didn't know what to do. I knew that I have to do something or the situation will get much worse. I don't know why, but I began laughing. I hope that it was defense reaction of my body because if not I might just became a psycho. She looked at me with her E/C eyes. I can tell that she was as confused as I.
"What a fool of me...haha. I was thinking the same way since we had our first meeting. It is my fault that you are feeling this way. I should have tell you that I love you too and things would be much better now. I am sorry."
I stopped laughing to see that she still doesn't get it. I mean I would be confused too if someone will confess their love to me and laughing at the same time. I decided that the best decision would be to kiss her. I was about to do that when I felt a pair of lips on my own. It was absolutely amazing and I didn't want it to end. After some time we parted away, gasping for air. The two of us were extremely embarrassed, so we just looked away from each other and quickly stood up still refusing to look at everything except the ground. Momo felt on the ground and make a strange noise towards us. (A/N: I think he was saying something like: "Dude, what the hell. I was just chilling you know and you ruined everything. You two little bitches I will say that to Appa and he will eat you in your sleep." but we will never know😌)

"Ok. I think we must go Y/N."
I said shyly. She just nodded and went towards the fire. When we came to the fire I saw Toph hugging Katara. It was very strange. I mean Toph hugging and not trying to strangle someone? I might be in heaven.

Then the rest of the evening was like always. But when I was trying to sleep the realization hit me.
I AM SUCH A GIRL!!! I wasn't the first who confessed, I wasn't the first who kissed. I wouldn't be surprise if years later I would be the one who is pregnant. I groans and overturned so I was facing the ground.
"I hope that Y/N won't be disappointed in me" with these thoughts I fell asleep.


A/N I wanted to write that Appa ate Y/N and Aang in the end but... something had stopped me. I don't know what but something had.

Stay at home and wash your damn hands❗️
Luv u all 💗💗💗

Request: DJ-Shiro-Sona

Avatar the last airbender  characters x reader [one shots,Preferences]Where stories live. Discover now