War of hearts (Ty Lee x reader) without lyrics

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H/C - your hair color



Y/N was Azula's and Zuko's younger sister. Even if she was only an hour younger than Azula she was always laughing about it. Y/N could copy with it, she could also copy with Azula laughing at her about being a non-bender but when the older sister started telling that not mother, not father loved Y/N, it broke her. The girl thought that it was true and no one in her family loved her, and sadly she was right. Her father was always blaming his wife that Y/N was a non-bender and that was the reason why Zuko hated her. The older sibling thought that his mother didn't deserve to be a parent of a non-bender. Y/N had no one, except one girl... Ty Lee. Skilled acrobatic girl was the only one who understood Y/N. They weren't friends, they weren't even best friends. They were something more... they were a life for each other.

But when Ty Lee and Mai went against Azula, they were separated. What hapened later everyone knows. Azula ordered the guards to lock Mai and Ty Lee away and "let them rot", not wanting to be in their presence ever again as a punishment for their unfaithfulness. These events severely weakened Azula's mental state and played a part in her eventual and nervous breakdown at the hands of Zuko and Katara, and what about Y/N. She became distant with everyone, even Zuko when he tried to apoloize for being a jerk in the past.

The absence of Ty Lee broke the young girl down. She didn't want to eat, drink, talk, she couldn't find the point of living anymore. After Avatar defeated her father and Zuko defeated her sister she thought that everything will change and she will be friends with Ty Lee again, but Ty Lee didn't even showed up when Y/N needed her the most.

Deep down Y/N knew that she should forget Ty Lee. That she can find someone better, someone who won't leave her alone, someone who will love her more than anything. But every night thoughts about "circus"girl who was now a Kyoshi Warrior came back and was leaving Y/N up for days.

Little did Y/N know was what Ty Lee was thinking about. The new member of Kyoshi Warriors was thinking that Y/N had already found someone better than her, someone who didn't betrayed her as she did.

Ty Lee was suffering from the whole situation too. She missed the times when two girls were talking, playing, laughing. She missed Y/N so much, she missed her laugh, smile, her beauty. So when Zuko invited her on his birthday she accepted his offer, hoping that her ex best friend will be there. Ty Lee wanted to apologize and continue their friendship... maybe become something more than just friends. As you may already guessed she has developed a bit of a crush on the h/c haired girl but always thought that she never had a chance. Even when Y/N told her that she liked girls, Ty Lee thought that her best friend was talking about Mai or other students from Royal Fire Academy for Girls.

~ The day after the celebration Zuko's birthday ~

Zuko's birthday went not bad but not as he planned. He was worrying about his younger sister, he wanted to return her in comunity. Zuko wanted to make Y/N happy and socialized again by resumption of her and Ty Lee friendship. But Y/N didn't even go out of her room after she congratulated her brother and gave him a present.

Y/N's POV :

I have been in my room since the begginig of the feast, if i can call it so. How can i went out if Ty Lee is there. She looks so happy and new and i don't want to ruin her mood with myself. She didn't even said "Hi!" to me. I mean...

"Ahhh what are u thinking Y/N?! Ty Lee probably hates you, that is why she left you there on the Boiling Rock island. See! she is happy now. She has new friends, hobbies and life. YOU ARE NOTHING TO HER NOW, SO STOP THINKING ABOUT TY LEE!" I yelled to myself, while tears were streaming down on the old photo of me and Ty Lee hugging.

Author's POV (again):

The h/c girl kept crying till she heard a slight knock on the door. She quickly wiped away her tears with a blanket and looked at the door, feeling a little scared of who might be behind it.
"C-come in." She said quietly and put the picture under her pillow.

The door started to open, cracking a bit and a small silhouette appeared at the doorway. The room was dark and slightly freezing. The only light was from the lightnings outside a window and still it wasn't enough to see the person near the door. But deep down Y/N knew who it was, she could feel the presence of this person, the slight cherry sent, the breathing rate. Everything was the same after all this time.

"Ty Lee..." Y/N said quietly while looking down at her hands.
"Y/N, long time no see. H-how have you been?" Ty Lee said, approaching the bed slowly. Even not looking up at the girl, Y/N could say that she was crying too.

"I am sorry. I..." Ty Lee tried to apologize but Y/N cut her of.

"No. I am sorry. I was blaming you for leaving me all this time, but it was me who made a mistake. I should have gone after you. I should have gone after you instead of staying with Azula. I was selfish and scared. Y-you did nothing wrong. It is j-just me..."

Y/N's eyes started to water again and tears streamed down her cheeks. Ty Lee looked at her friend with a sad look and awkwardly hugged her. The h/c girl burst into tears as she felt the warmth of Ty Lee's body again. She didn't want to lose it this time.

Ty Lee broke the silence while she was gently rubbing Y/N's back.
"I didn't want to leave you. And I don't want now too. We were best friends. And now I think that I don't want to be friends with you anymore."
Y/N's eyes widened as she leaned back from the girl slightly. The expression on her face was telling that she was scared and confused. But the girl in Kyoshi suit smiled brightly and rose her hand to Y/N's cheek stroking it gently.
"I think I love you, Y/N. No, I don't think, I know that I am in love with you. I want to be by your side to the day I die."

Two girls leaned slowly towards each other's lips. After a few seconds of hesitation
Y/N leaned forward, pressing her lips on Ty Lee's lovingly. The kiss wasn't that passionate or heated but it was enough for both of them to become as red as Zuko's scar. Girls broke the kiss, panting and holding hands.
"I love you too, Ty Lee. And I promise you that I will be with you no matter where or when."

~~~ End ~~~

Luv u All 💗💗💗

Next part: I didn't want to hurt you (jealous!Toph x reader)

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