🍭First time he/she saw you🍭

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He was in the harbor waiting for his uncle near the ship. "Why can't he be faster," he asked himself. He wanted to be the first who will capture the avatar. He saw his uncle walking towards the ship. Zuko wanted to yell at Iroh, but soon he saw that his uncle was chatting with one lady he stopped. She was 16 or maybe 15. She was really beautiful and cute. He liked her at first sight. He started blushing and he didn't want his uncle to notice it. He decided to yell at Iroh and they will think that he is just angry. But his uncle has understood what is going on.
"Oh. That was nice talk Y/N. But my nephew and his ship are waiting for me. I don't know will we meet again. Fate is an unpredictable thing. See you." Iroh said with sadness in his eyes.
She just smiled and walked away. Zuko came to his room and smiled like an idiot. He was trying to forget you because you two won't meet again. But what he doesn't know is that this meeting will be the start of something bigger.

She was practicing her waterbender skills near the river. Sokka and Aang were washing Appa. Katara heard a cracking branch and quickly turned around. She saw you in your dirty clothes. You were very thin and weak. She wanted to attack you but decided to wait. You went to the water to drink some. She saw it and calmed down.
"Hi. Who are you?" She asked you.
"Y/N. I got lost in the forest." You can't find the way from the forest for 6 days. You haven't been eating something for all these days and Katara understood it.
"Do you want to grab something to eat? We can give you. I see you haven't been eating for several days."
You wanted to deny her offer but your stomach didn't have the same opinion.
"Maybe just a little."
She walked away and returned with the small bag filled with food.
"Thank you very much."
"Oh. That is the smallest thing that I can do for you. If you want to exit the forest you need to go straight for 20 minutes." She said with a big smile. You smiled back and went in the direction she told you.

You were living in a small village near the sea. You saw a lot of people running in the same direction. It was not strange for your village. It is the tradition. The day of Avatar. Today the three statues of avatars will be burnt. (If you saw episode 5 of the 2 seasons you know what I am talking about.) You came on the square and stood near the boy with the strange hat, a girl in the water tribe dress, and a guy with the boomerang. You heard they were confused because all people were glad when someone had started the fire.
"What are they doing?" A guy with the boomerang asked his friends. They didn't say a word.
"It is a tradition. Every year on that day we burn three statues of the avatars. I don't really know why it is but a lot of people keep saying that avatar Kioshi has killed one of our rulers. I don't know true it or not. I don't really understand why they keep doing that every year. Nothing will change, he is already dead."
"That is strange. I am Sokka by the way." He Said with a smile. You returned the gesture and walked away. You didn't like the fact that your village is against avatars and now the avatar is the only person who can save everyone from the fire nation.

🌪Aang🌪 (based on 3 seasons 2 episode)
Aang has just finished his first day in the fire nation school. He was going to his friends when someone bumped into him.
"Oh my... I am so sorry. I didn't saw you." The girl about 14 was standing near him and blushing.
"Oh... that is nothing. Are you ok?" He smiled and bowed.
"Yeah... I am ok. I am Y/N. Are you the new guy Kuzon?" She asked.
"Yes, I see you are not from the fire nation too." She changed her expression.
"How did you understand it."
"They always bow. And you have the water tribe scroll in your pocket. Omg, are you the waterbender?"
"Tch. Someone can hear us. Let's talk somewhere more private." We went to a quiet place and she continued.
"I know that you are the avatar. And I am not going to say, anyone. I need your help." She looked at me with her incredible eyes I can't refuse her. I don't know why but I believed her.

Toph was walking in her family's garden. Her attendant went to the house. She was alone. Suddenly she felt that two people were going in her direction. One of them was her father and another one was unfamiliar.
"It is my daughter Toph. She is blind too, so I hope you can become friends. Toph it is Y/N. She is also blind. Y/N is the daughter of my friend. I am sorry I have to go now. You can sit here and talk to each other. But don't go anywhere." Toph's father said and gone.
"So you can't see anything too?" Toph asked in a rough tone.
"Yes." The little girl replied.
"Why are you here? Where are your parents?"
"They are dead."
Toph felt sorry for Y/N. She grabbed her hand and said.
"Let's have some walk. I can tell you something about myself."

It was in the mental hospital after the end of the war. You were her doctor. For you, Azula was a very strong and weak person at one time. Every time you come to her she doesn't remember you. Maybe it is because of her mental breakdown after her defeat in Agni Kai with her brother. She spoke rarely but when she did you two were chatting for hours about her life.

Your first meeting was in the Ba Sing Se. You came to the Jasmine Dragon. As you entered, Iroh saw you and immediately went towards you.
"What do you wish, young lady?" He asked you with a smile.
"May I have... what you will advise me. I am sure you have great taste." You replied.
After your words, he just smiled and walked away. After 5 minutes he gave you a cup of freshly brewed tea. As you were the only one customer he decided to sit next to you and talk. You two were chatting maybe an hour or even more.

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