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Songs for this chapter:
1. Starboy - The weekend
2. I can't decide- Scissor Sisters
3. Two of hearts - Stacey Q

Hawk Moth was still a bit skeptical about this whole 'plan' stuff.
He didn't at all believe that uniting their powers would help them achieve their goals faster, however he couldn't even get a word of his own into the argument because the woman was just rambling on and on about this 'amazing idea' as she called it.

"Trust me on this one!" Winked Mayura, as now they were in a much more sophisticated area, her kitchen, sipping on tea. "I know it'll be great-"

"B-but May." He interrupted "or what can I call you?"

"May is fine."

"Okay so May! I doubt that we'll get any further if we use your plan!"

"Why's that?" She sarcastically gasped, however after that gave the man a stone cold glare which was very much real and not at all sarcastic.
"Do you think that my woman brain-"

"NO!" He shouted "It's not because you're a woman! It's because I truly don't think that there's any way to defeat these dumb heroes!"

"Well that's just because you haven't ever gotten that close."

"Right because you have!"

"Yes I actually have-"

"SHUT UP!!" Hawk Moth suddenly slammed his fists on the table, making the teapot turn and the cups shatter "Goddamn it! I don't want to do this anymore! I'm tired of trying! I j-just-...I want to-...w-win." He cried leaving the table with that tantrum and running away to somewhere else in the house which he did at all know.

But of course Mayura couldn't just let him go this easily, so as fast as she could she stood up from the table and rushed after the man.

"Well everybody wants to win Hawky!!" Shouted Mayura trying to make the furious villain feel better but also trying to catch him so he wouldn't explore the whole house.
"that's just how life is. But some of them don't end up where they'd like to be"
She finally found him, sitting on the edge of her bed, his face hid away deeply in his hand whilst he clearly sobbed his soul out.

So not to alarm him too much the woman carefully sat beside him, placed one of her hands on his back, and began to gently rub it "...life is unfair, we can't help that! I'm sorry."
She whispered and attempted to take one of Hawk Moth's hands away from his face, but he was holding on too strongly.

"B-b-but I-...I-...no!" He cried "I-...w-why can't l-life b-be good for me...just once...that's all I'm asking!!"

"And that's what I want to help with." Mayura whispered "If we work together we can achieve our goal faster! You know, team work makes the dream work!"

"Y-yes, b-but what about in the end? What do we do then?! We both have separate goals and uniting the miraculouses only grants one wish...so-..."

"Then we'll have a fight against one another, and whoever wins-"

"No!" He shouted suddenly lifting his face up from his palm and making very intense eye contact with her "I couldn't and wouldn't hurt you."

"Well then I win."

"Why, do you not care about hurting me?"

"Hawky" she chuckled leaning closer and smiling before she whispered into his ear "I have my goals. And I'd kill for it! So watch out because I'm ruthless, I know no mercy, bitch!"

The man gasped as he heard that, and after looking at the evil woman's face he could clearly see that Mayura was indeed not joking around.
She had one of the creepiest smiles on, and if that wasn't bad enough already, the woman also began laughing.

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