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The curiosity got the best of him, and so Hawk Moth couldn't help but quietly and sneakily make his way closer to the woman in front of the gate.

Before he would've gotten too close to her, he made sure to transform back into his 'real' self, so the assistant wouldn't know his biggest secret of being one of Paris's most wanted villains.

Then, the grey haired man began to slowly walk over to where she was.

Of course, as he got closer the dark haired woman started to sense that she wasn't alone, and when she turned her head to the side she came across a tall silhouette approaching, confidently.

The first instinct of the woman was to run away as she thought it was some creep, or a person looking to hurt her, but as the figure got closer, she began to see a familiar face.

By the time that Gabriel was almost standing in front of her, Nathalie couldn't believe why on earth her boss would be outside his house at this hour of the night.

"H-h-hello?" Her broken voice echoed in the coldness of what was becoming dawn.

"Hello Nathalie." Gabriel returned. "What are you doing out here so late at night and so early at dawn?"

"I-..." the assistant wasn't sure what to respond.

Should she hand the man in front of her the letter to inform him that she will no longer work for him, or should she lie about something else?

"You?" He asked, getting impatient for an answer.

The letter in the dark haired woman's hand was trembling by now and she still had no idea what she'd like to say back.

All she could do was stare at the man cluelessly.

"Nathalie?" The designer began to question her strange behavior.

He almost thought that maybe she happened to be sick, because clearly something wasn't right with the way his employee acted as of right now.

Gabriel was about to reach out and place his hand on her shoulder so that maybe that way the assistant would react to something he did, but before he could do so, Nathalie took a step away from him.

"I-I need to go-" she awkwardly mumbled. "I-I don't feel good a-and I was just coming here to the mansion to tell you that I'll be off 'sick' today, s-so I can't work."

"You could've called me, there was no need to force yourself here at dawn. You're only gonna get more sick that way."

"My phone was broken! A-and I'm fine sir, don't worry, I just wouldn't want you to catch whatever I have." She pretended to fake cough before turning her back to her superior.

Now Nathalie felt more awkward than ever, still holding onto the letter that she didn't have the courage to give to her boss, and still knowing he was right behind her.

This couldn't get more embarrassing, except it just did when the assistant heard her superior take one step closer to her and utter:

"Alright." He cleared his throat. "So would you like to walk home in the pouring rain or for me to drive you?"

"You don't know where I live." She turned around with a scared expression since the confident voice of her boss worried the woman a little too much.

He sounded as if he would've known that she lived far away and exactly where, but her anxiety about this quickly got resolved when Gabriel said:

"I don't know where you live, don't stress." He chuckled, seeing his assistant's expression soften up as he said those words. "...but you could give me directions if you'd like a drive home."

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