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"I-..." Nathalie froze "I-I a-am h-here because-"

"Are you two sleeping together?!?!" Audrey screamed. "Are you together, AGAIN?!"

"No!" The butler interrupted "Nathalie simply came over because-...b-because she needed to give something to Gabriel about a fashion show and I had it."

"Bullshit!" The designer woman laughed "You couldn't care less about fashion Armand, I know you." Audrey looked at the man and rolled her eyes sarcastically before turning her head in the dark haired woman's direction "And you Nathalie..." the designer lady scoffed after she laid eyes on the assistant. "...you also don't look like you're very in-touch with style, therefore, I doubt what Armand was saying happened to be the truth."

"I-" Jean would've wanted to argue, but for the manyth time his boss shut him up;

"No more lies!" Audrey emphasized with a loud voice. "I don't even care why she's here, just don't shout like before! I could hear it from the goddamn reception."

"Sorry." Nathalie and Armand apologized at the same time.

With this they thought that Audrey's speech of humiliating them would be over, but they couldn't have been more wrong.

As the woman made her way over to the door she took one last look at the 'couple', then, with an intimidating grin she pierced them both.

In this moment Jean could already sense that she'd say something utterly embarrassing, however, he had no chance to stop her.

"Do me one favor." Audrey began "just fuck quietly."

"We aren't-" but before the butler could've finished his sentence the door slammed shut with a loud bang.

After the noise from the slam faded away, the two adults who remained in the apartment shared an awkward look.

"Wow, she's-"

"A lot to handle." Jean finished Nathalie's sentence.

She nodded in agreement which eased the tension, slightly, as well as encouraged the man to say: "I'm sorry for this humiliating experience, but I can't do much about it, unfortunately."

The butler's eyes moved down to stare at the floor in shame.

He felt so stupid and embarrassed by his boss, to be honest, even the dark haired woman couldn't blame him.

All she could do was feel sympathetic.

So with a tiny bit of courage gathered up in her, Nathalie placed her hand on the man's shoulder reassuringly, and said:

"Don't worry." The assistant returned an understanding little smile. "She's almost just as arrogant as Gabriel."

Suddenly, the butler's expression lightened up to the sweet gesture of his ex.

"Really?" He chuckled. "I thought he was the quiet type of man."

"Well yes, that is true until something isn't the way he would like it to be. Then he gets grumpy and makes sure to ruin everyone else's mood too."

"At least he doesn't make awkward comments like Audrey just did."

"At least." Nathalie didn't even notice how much she was giggling by now.

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